Thursday, December 8, 2011

Anyone else 32 yrs old and poor?

I have a good education, and have had good desk jobs, the last one a contract ad sales position that wasn't renewed because of the economy. I am now working retail and can hardly pay my rent and my bills. I bring home 1700.00 per month after taxes and my rent is 1000.00. I don't have a car and walk to work. I cant save anything, and spending $ 40.00 on groceries per week practically kills me. So depressed... Any words of encouragement?|||That's why my daughter moved back home, she can't pay her bills with the wages she is getting. She tried to live on her own several times and even with friends but could not do it. She only makes about $1000 a month...|||Only area you have to cut back on is food and grocery items

if you can only buy on special , milk you can water down when it's 1/3 gone , don't buy junk food, fruit and veg only if on special .

Use coupons.

Plan your meals for the week and buy only what you need .

Go for the cheapest cuts of meat,you only need 100-150grammes per day ,end of day bread and so forth .

Look on the web for cheap filling meals that you can make at home

If you smoke or drink either stop buying them or cut back

If you can get a second job

this bit may sound silly , but visit your local library and shopping centre , DO NOT SPEND and money , just window shop , and read . using their bathroom facilities saves you money lol.

Try to save about $1-$5 each week on grocery , so that when items with a long expiry date are on special you have extra to stock up|||Your best plan is to marry someone and combine your incomes and expenses. I make less than you do, but my wife makes twice as much as you do.

Either that or move back in with your folks as so many young people these days are having to do, the income gap between young and old higher than it's ever been, and the earning potential of young people the lowest it's been since the 1960's.|||Sure but ya gotta understand none of this will just jump in your lap none of this is an autopilot kinda thing where you just sit back and rake it in. Go to the source link listed below|||I'm 15 and have a horrible education but I'm planning on turning my life around, but if i were you i would work two jobs.

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