Monday, December 12, 2011

Credit card?

this dident happen but what would you do if you lost your credit card and after a week you realize and its too late and someone stole it and now you owe one million dollars from the credit card???|||* I would laugh at the credit card company for being so stupid as to let anyone have that large of a credit line!*|||I would just ask for an investigation; something like that actually happened to me (on a much smaller scale, obviously): Some money ended up missing from my checking account, and the bank ended up closing my account and now says that i must pay back $1'100!

: )|||whaaa?|||Call the card issuer to fix it!|||wouldn't cards have limits|||u should b protected.. plus all u have to do is dispute the charges|||Someone once stole my wife's credit card and I never reported it . Whoever stole it spent less than my wife.|||Credit Cards have limits, according to your individual credit. When you reach the limit it gets shut off. So unless you have excellent credit, with a million dollar limit, that wouldn't happen. If someone stole your credit card and you did not realize that it was gone for a week, the credit company should strike those purchases from your bill. It depends on your provider.|||i`ll gone mad ..

and i`m will gettin help from law.. i`m victimized ..

why must i`ll take resposibility..|||make a police report and call the company but as a credit card holder even with theft you are still responsable for it trust me i know i do home health and the lady i take care of had this happen to her while she was in a comma for 34 days and ended up having brain surgery she sent them documents showing her whereabouts during the used dates and they put it on her credit report and screwed her totaly|||prove it was not me|||Even if someone didn't steal your credit card you can't spend one million dollars.|||u call the credit company. most will notice alot of buying on the card and call you to c if it got stollen or if ur just doing a big project.|||I'd report it as fraud.|||Cry =(|||hoho.... just steal get another credit card and pay the dept|||Of course it didn't happen - credit cards have limits and I doubt many people have a 1 million dollar limit!!! LOL

But - if it did happen to me, I would file a police report and claim insurance. Either that, or fake my own death to get out of the bill. LOL|||1. there is only two organizations that have credit cards that have no limits. 2. if you had one you're in alot of trouble.3.these cards have safety devices in place for that reason. 4. if you're rich you would'nt use credit cards now would you. 5. don't ever loose anything..............|||Have a nervous break down because I have good credit that I worked very hard to establish and maintain; in the event this happened, I would have to file bankruptcy.|||You are wishing you found a a credit card with one million dollars credit line,but it's not going to you and you keep dreaming|||I really don't know, maybe you could try to prove your "innocence" before the proper authorities...I don't know how that works. However, it is a consequence for not immediately reporting you lost your card. Such negligence. I pity you have to be burdened by the bill, yet, I'm torn with giving you a knock on the head for such negligence...nope, not in losing the card for it could happen to anyone...but for not reporting it. Sorry still, though.|||"I'm so lonely I can Cry" by B.J. Thomas|||I left mine in the ATM before but the machine kept it, I was so scared that someone pulled up behind me and took it I went to two more stores before I realized it was missing. I was in a panic until I got home and canceled the card.

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