Monday, December 12, 2011

How can true love turn to cruel hate? & so soon? & why are acts of cruelty called 'really spicing up love'? &>?

%26amp; who would make a religion out of barbaric 'bdsm' chains, clamps, whips %26amp; dungeons, etc?

That question was inspired by this excellent, thought-provoking 'Word 4 Today':-

The Voice of Conscience from Within


"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

After David had sinned and done a terrible thing by committing adultery, he said this in Psalm 51:3, "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me."

Can you imagine what it would be like for your sin to "ever" be before you? The deed would reverberate through your consciousness unendingly.

You see, the conscience is an inner judge that God puts in you that accuses or excuses you.

It cannot make you do right, but it shows you what is right or what is wrong. When your conscience is right, you have tremendous freedom.

A good conscience will do something for you that a sleeping pill could never do.

What is your conscience "telling" you today? Are you right with God?


For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit You can also listen to Adrian Rogers at

That reading made me wonder how many folk were so shocked @ 'Kung Fu' star David Carradine's sordid murder that we simply blank out all memory of anything unpleasant %26amp; forget that others will be murdered/have been murdered in the same way ??

How many ???

What kind of true religion %26amp; spirituality can save lives by turning hearts away from putrid perversions to the Lover of Souls?

(Copy @ Family %26amp; Relationships: Marriage %26amp; Divorce @ 2/3 mins ago)

Who can turn perverted predators into 'fishers of men' - in the sense Jesus means when calling disciples??

%26amp; how ???

Do you believe such change of heart is possible ????

Do you know any concrete examples ?????

How @ in Prison Ministry International ???

Do you care @ crime prevention thru re-education %26amp; rehabilitation?

If not, in these hard economic times, do you care @ cutting jail costs?

How ???|||God is the source of love. If it isn't love but only called love it is of the world and what is of the world always deceives. It changes as all things of the world change. Love turns to hate, fear, resentment, bitterness, indifference, doubt, rage, pain, violence or any number of other things. But it will not remain love because everything of the world changes in time. Every thing. Only what is of God is Eternal and unchanging,|||slavery?|||OK, you're lonely, and want to reach out. Care to post an actual question, though? This is not a blog, it's a Q%26amp;A forum. Q stands for questions. So?|||My guess would be it was not "true love" or God is not in it. God is Love.

Or it could be what I have heard it called as "spicket love", you can turn it on and off when you get ready(God is not in that either)

The "spiced up love" is the love of the world, the world seems to like it "spicy" or mixed with hatred.

We cannot really know true love until we know Christ who teaches us what "Agape" love is. (unconditional)|||As a Christian, I could never honestly say I truly hate someone. I may disagree and not like the way someone acts and does things but I could never hate anyone. People today have to "tone-down" alot of words and phrases we say and do today to make everything sound A little bit better than what it really is. Just the sound of the "new" word or phrase will make people believe that the act or situation isn't as bad as it is.

I don't care who you are but if you are so brain-washed that you can't tell the difference between right and wrong, which is your conscience, then you definately need professional and spiritual help.

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