Thursday, December 8, 2011

What should I do? So my professor said something that really offended me, help anyone?

So we were asked to pay a certain amount for renewal of course membership.. Sadly I was not able to renew because I really don't have that amount, my mom can't give money for that because we are really dry.. And if she gave me money for that I don't think I'll renew the membership maybe I'll just save it so that I have money for school the next day (we're that poor). And last morning, she checked our testing permit cause in a few days, our examination will start and when she called me I said that I was not able to pay because I have no money. She said that "are you that poor?" and I just stayed silent because If I answer back I know I won't be able to control my emotion.. She asked me if I am a scholar because If I am not, how come I got enrolled in that college. I was badly offended and hurt because my mom works hard just to give me a good education and I guess that's too personal to say. Yes, I am poor! So what? right? I mean that's out of her business.. What should I do? I've noticed that that's a habit of her's.. smothering peoples identity. I want to teach her a lesson but I don't want conflicts to arise cause she's my prof and we meet almost everyday. Also, she's not a good example for youth like us so what will i do? Report her or just move on? I need your advice please.. Thanks!|||She probably assumes since you pay 10 thousand a semester you could afford what ever the fee was. That's life though. I had a prof call me a lesbian once. Reported him, and nothing happened except hard feeling because he wasn't punished and they LOVE to rub that stuff in your face.

I'd honestly drop the program if these profs are bugging you that bad though|||If you only had that to do over again:

"Are you that poor? LOL, snicker."



If only. Meanwhile, look for more backing. You can request financial assistance from several sources. I would certainly give her a bad review and try not to take that person's class.|||TELL your professor that her comment was in poor taste, hurtful and extremely unprofessional. That way you can speak your peace. if she does not apologize, then report her to the Dean.|||Get over it. Welcome to the real world. Most people are ******* and don't care about anyone but themselves.|||i would report her an get her butt fired!! nobody is supposed to do that.|||The only thing you can do is meet with the DEAN of your major (if a large university) or the dean of students and complain about her. Ask to be switched to another class or to withdraw from this one and get your money back OR be allowed to take the same course again with a different professor for less money (a credit to repeat it).

Otherwise complaining about her but not dropping her class will make this worse for you.

I would have been truthful and told the professor 'yes I cant afford it and it is really none of your business how much money I have or don't have' or I would have told her 'Having a membership was not in the course syllabus and therefore it can't be a requirement' (look in the syllabus to see if it was there or not. if it wasn't there she can't require you suddenly to pay money for some sort of membership).|||It was an inappropriate thing to say, but face it: you are going to meet a lot of people in life who say inappropriate things. You need to learn to deal with it.

It's a pity that this conversation took place over the phone, because the most appropriate response on your part would have been a raised eyebrows and a cold look communicating clearly that the question was not acceptable. Your silence over the phone was a perfectly good response, though some people don't quite pick up on that sort of thing.

It is not your place to teach the professor "a lesson". What you could do is send her an email expressing (calmly and politely) the fact that she hurt your feelings and that you feel she should not have commented on your family finances that way. You'll have to phrase this note with great care, but who knows? If you do it right, it could make an impression on her.

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