Thursday, December 15, 2011

What does having a negative credit card balance mean?

I have a capitalone credit card with a 300 dollar limit. I recently paid it off and have $300 worth of credit available. But I have a balance of negative 200 some dollars. What does this mean?

Do I owe this money? I put down a full payment well before it was due so I'm kind of stumped.|||I would call Capitol One and ask somebody there if I were you. I know that on my card (not a Capitol One card) I was once worried because I had a negative fifty dollar balance, but that actually just meant that I'd overpaid, and could spend up to fifty dollars on it before I would even have to worry about paying off the balance again. I wouldn't want to assure you that that's what it means, though, as it might mean different things on different companies' statements.

If it hurts your credit score at all, I would recommend visiting鈥?/a> for some tips on repairing your credit score. They're where I get most of my information and they're pretty handy.|||I think you should call Capitol One and say my due date was ________

and my 300.00 check cleared the Bank on (date) and why are

you negative 200.00.

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