Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do i know my credit card number if i dont have the credit card, maybe through paypal?

My uncle allowed me to link his master card to paypal so i could buy items off ebay. So i linked it, now i need the credit card number to check the card statement online so i can verify my credit card. The only problem is i dont have the credit card and my uncle's on a business trip and i cant call him either. But anyhow my card is linked to paypal, is there a way i can check my credit card number through paypal? Thanks for your time.|||No

Even if you go into your account settings, only the last 4 digits of the credit card would show anyways.. LOL

Anyways, nice story. I highly doubt your *uncle* allowed you to use his credit card to sign up for Ebay/PayPal and now he is conveniently out of town, so you cannot call him (hmm he must have traveled to Pluto where there is no phone service?) to ask him to give you the numbers you need to verify your PayPal.

You did read the PayPal TOS right? I would guess you are under 18, had no credit card, so you took someone elses and thought you could get away with it. See, this is what happens when you steal and lie. You cannot complete your mission.|||A likely story.

What credit card to get at 18 and not a college student?

I always thought at 18 they love to give you credit cards, I've tried Capitol One, Chase, a QT credit card, and a Best Buy one. All deny due to no credit history. I obviously can't get Credit history if they won't let me have credit. I Work 2 jobs and just want to have one just in case and to actually build my credit. What's going on and why do i keep getting denied?|||Stop applying for the cards, you will only be denied. You will have to start building your credit rating with secured credit. Make sure the banks report to the credit bureaus, otherwise it does no good.

Go to the bank you do business with, ask them if they have a secured credit card, if they do open a new account with $300 - $500 tell them you want a secured credit card against that account. Use the card for small purchases like gas or food and pay the card off entirely each month on time.

Also you can take your savings account and save until you have $1,000. Tell your banker you want to take a installment loan out against the savings account. Take the money you receive and put it in your checking account to repay the loan. Pay it off in 12 months. Lenders like to see a mixture of credit, revolving, installments, personal loans.

After a few months you can try for an unsecured card again. Retail store cards and gas cards are normally easier to get.

It takes 24 months of consistent on time payments to build a good credit rating.|||As mention before, open up bank account with chase or whomever you prefer$500 is best; secondly get a loan against that amount; thirdly set-up autmatic payments so that you will never forget to pay on time; you could do this with two diffferent banks. Credit is guaranteed to be estabilsh

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|||The reason that you are being denied is because you are applying to too often. You should wait more than a year between applications. Any more frequent can result in rejection due to recent "inquiries".

You should start by depositing money at a bank that offers "secured" credit cards to depositors with no credit and obtaining a "secured" credit card from that bank. After you have made the payments on the "secured" credit card long enough to build your credit and have applied nowhere for over a year, then apply for a regular card.|||Credit card companies deny a lot of people now with the economy in the state that it is. The reason the economy is in the state that it is is because of banks handing out loans to people that couldn't pay them off. A credit card works similarly on a smaller scale, so the card companies don't want to risk giving a card to someone who has never had one before.

It wouldn't hurt to try a credit card matching service. I know the deal store has one, so I pulled the link up for you in my source.

Try that out and let me know if that works for ya. If you need any more help, I'm just a message away.

-Master|||Try a gas credit card, like Shell of Chevon, they will usually give you one, although I'm not sure if they report to the credit bureau to give you a credit history. Or try a prepaid credit card. Don't worry, in time you will be getting plenty of offers.

How does a debit/credit card work?

If you have a "check card", or a credit card that is linked to your debit account how does it work?

I know if you debit something it comes right out of your checking account, but if you decide to use the "credit" portion of the card how does that work?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.|||A "debit" hits your account immediately because you authorize it using your PIN number. A "credit" can take up to 48 hours to come out of your account because you authorize it with your signature.

Most businesses would prefer you to use your card as an ATM (debit) because they get charged a fee for processing a credit card (visa might charge them 2% of the amount for instance) which gives them less profit. Banks like you to use the ATM feature because the money is processed immediately.

Hope this helps!

How can I make free money online without using a credit card?

I am interested in earning free cash online but all the site I have been too require you to buy something or use a credit card for one time fees. Is there something out there where it is 100% free %26amp; you don't have to enter a credit card number?|||Make Money 24/7 with the PPC Click thru Program. It's Free EARN MONEY BY LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER ON!!


Wow, talk about easy money!

This is truly amazing. It's easy to download, totally FREE and

watching it work has just blown me away.

Here is something really cool, sent to me by a friend. The main page

of the site is not informative or very impressive, but it does make

money and does not require any sponsoring, although you may invite

others to earn faster profits.

It costs nothing to join and make money. Once set up, you don't have

to do anything, and you can track your income up to the second. You

never have to pay anything at any time. Feel free to use this text

but change to YOUR affiliate URL PPCAppraisal prior to advertising.

I have been running this new program daily and have earned about $500

so far. Just under the amount where I am able to put in a request for

payment. But, I was notified today by my sponsor that he received his

first payment of $5000!

This is still a relatively unknown program, meaning there is a lot of

potential for you to get people signed up before everyone joins once

word gets out that it is paying. There is not a lot of information at

the website, so I will explain to you EXACTLY how to do this program.

The program works similar to "click on search engine and get paid"

kind of programs, except for two things.

1) You don't have to click on any links--it all runs in the

background like an auto-surf.

2) It doesn't give you just one search engine that makes you money.

Right now there are about 21 search engines that run within the

program, which if you run your computer 24/7 you will make about $15

a day.

In about a month they will be adding about another 200 search engines!

At that point you'll make between $40 and $60 a day...just for being

online. That's with no referrals. If you have any referrals, you get

5% of their running time as well, 4 levels deep. The potential to

make a great deal of money is very evident.

The way it works is that each search engine builds up a separate

total of your surfing time. You have to reach an amount of $60 before

you get paid from each separate search engine.

If you had your computer running 24/7, with no referrals, it would

take you about 2 months to build up to $60 in each of the 21 now

running search engines. $60 times 21 equals $1260! That's not bad for

2 months of doing nothing.

Now figure what it would be going with the minimum of $40 per day

when they add the 200 search engines. $40 times 221 equals $8820!!

Remember that's with no referrals! Here is my url to sign up.鈥?/a>

Note: Don't let the boring looking site discourage you, once you are

set up, it's great fun watching your income rise, in real time, for

doing nothing!

Here are the instructions to get started, and you may want to print

this out first:


click this link.鈥?/a>

鈥?Enter your personal details.

鈥?Where it says Company Name put: ppc appraisal.

鈥?For URL/Site put:

鈥?For TAX ID: N/A

鈥?Fill the rest out normally.

鈥?Now login. That will take you to a menu page.

鈥?Click on Requests.

鈥?At the bottom of the page, hit Select All, then Request.

鈥?After that, back to the bottom of the page and click Page

2, then Select All, then Request.

鈥?Please download a file called test33 and choose SAVE

it to your Desktop in the Windows' drop-down box:




鈥?Login to PPC Appraisal and on the menu select Campaigns.

鈥?Copy or write down your Portal URL which is the one

listed on that page.

鈥?After downloading run the test33.exe browser program

by clicking on the test33 icon on your desktop (or other

location you saved it to)

鈥?When it opens, go to Tools on the menu bar; choose

Analyst, then Act, and then SETUP. You'll see two empty


鈥?On the lower left side click on APPEND. A popup window

will open.

鈥?Type the words Set1 in it and click OK.

鈥?It will disappear. Now inside the small window on

the left you should see Set1.

鈥?Then paste your Portal URL that you copied from the

PPC website into the large window on the right and click OK.

鈥?Now go back to Tools, click Analyst, Act, then click

SET1. The URL will load.

鈥?Go back to Tools, click Analyst and choose LOOP.

鈥?Now go to the menu and click on Navigation and click

on the word Six at the bottom.

鈥?This will open up 6 separate search engine

browsers, so instead of just getting paid for 1 at a

time, it pays you for 6 at a time.

鈥?The Test 33 program will automatically start clicking

on search engines.

鈥?There are 22 search engines in that one URL.

鈥?If you shut it off, or get booted, just run the Test 33

browser; go to Tools, click Analyst and choose Loop; then

Navigation and choose six to start it all up again.

鈥?Do not touch any settings. Once you get this set up you

can minimize the window and go about whatever you normally

do. It's very well behaved and will not interfere at all

with anything else you are doing.

The programs runs through 1500 clicks, which is about 4 hours a day then stops for the day.

To work around this you need a proxy server. There are several proxy server on the internet, you just have to find a good one.

Make sure you have a good adware cleaner as this programs does come with adware.

There your set for free money..|||or you va read this website:

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|||You can also make money online without any extra effort. Visit

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theres a lot of free stuff here

also a lot of prizes like xbox 360, psp, gift cards, etc.

Report Abuse

|||paid to read emails|||there are some site in this webpage where you can find the information yo need.

What does having a negative credit card balance mean?

I have a capitalone credit card with a 300 dollar limit. I recently paid it off and have $300 worth of credit available. But I have a balance of negative 200 some dollars. What does this mean?

Do I owe this money? I put down a full payment well before it was due so I'm kind of stumped.|||I would call Capitol One and ask somebody there if I were you. I know that on my card (not a Capitol One card) I was once worried because I had a negative fifty dollar balance, but that actually just meant that I'd overpaid, and could spend up to fifty dollars on it before I would even have to worry about paying off the balance again. I wouldn't want to assure you that that's what it means, though, as it might mean different things on different companies' statements.

If it hurts your credit score at all, I would recommend visiting鈥?/a> for some tips on repairing your credit score. They're where I get most of my information and they're pretty handy.|||I think you should call Capitol One and say my due date was ________

and my 300.00 check cleared the Bank on (date) and why are

you negative 200.00.

How do you cancel a credit card account without affecting you in any way?

I have a credit account that started off charging a 9.9% anual fee. Recently, I've checked my statements and realize that it's been bumped up to 30% due to, first, the credit card being maxed out, and second, paying only the minimum fee.

WTF!!!|||CLOSING the account can hurt your credit score. It's a silly thing to do.

Being maxed out and paying the minimum isn't what raised your rate.

I think that part of the story is missing. Were you late with a payment ? Even by an hour ? Did you go over your limit ?

Were you late on a different credit card payment ?

Credit cards are a necessary thing in todays world.

People who "hate" them are ignorant.

When you use a credit card and pay the bill in full, you don't pay a single solitary penny in interest.

You can also get free airline trips, cruises and many other benefits by paying the bills on time AND NEVER paying a penny in interest. What is there to hate ?

People who tell you to go ahead and close the account are just as ignorant. You get credit in your credit score for the age of an account.

AND for the record, you CAN close an account with an open balance. You will still owe the balance though.

So many incorrect answers from people who really don't know what they are talking about, they just guess.|||First of all, you have to pay it off. Then just call the company and cancel the account. They will try to talk you out of it, but stand your ground. Don't be intimidated. I hate credit card companies. They will stuck you dry.|||Write a letter to them and first ask them to change your rate back. If they are unwilling to do that tell them to cancel the card.

I think these credit cards have lost their minds. At least you do pay, you pay the min, what is what they asked you to pay.|||You can either pay off your card or transfer the balance to another card. But keep in mind, if you have other debt, and you cancel a card that has no balance, you are lowering your debt to available debt ratio, which will affect your FICO score. Also take into account if this card has your highest limit and how long you've had your card. You don't want to cancel a card that that holds your highest limit %26amp; is on your credit history the longest. Personally, I would either pay off the card, or transfer the balance onto another card, and as long as you don't have any annual fees, I would just put the card away, or tear it up, so you can't use it anymore. If there's no balance, it doens't cost anything to keep the card, and you don't affect your credit in a negative way by closing the account....

Good luck...|||You have to pay it off to cancel it - if it's at all possible transfer your money to one of those cards that offers you a 0% (or a really low rate) on balance transfers. Then, cancel the card as soon as possible after you make the transfer - be sure you never have anything automatically charged to your credit card (like a magazine subscription renewal or something like that). It will definitely affect your credit score for a while - but so does carrying a maxed out card.

If you were even one day late on that card (or any other debt you have - even rent, car payment, etc) they have the right - read the small print - to bump up to those exobitant rates. They are all be investigated by congress, but nothing has come of it yet.

Good luck - these things are really tough!|||A creditor has several options that are covered in the agreement that you signed when you open the account by purchasing something with, mostly in very little print, but still they pull your credit report periodically in order to reevaluate whether or not an increase your credit, or if the payment is just 1 day late at the best rate then you have also authorized the reduce credit line, or interest rate. It happens to everyone at least once, I think you shoud inquiry fo a new card, info available. If you have good credit try Bank Of America and Wells Fargo but are outstanding customer service. Then once you find one you like and apply for are approved then transfer that high rate 30%

How long before my new credit card shows up on my report?

I recently (about a week ago) applied for a credit card. Today I checked my credit report, and it wasn't on there, how long will it take to show up?|||Generally 30 - 60 days. Creditors do not report on a daily basis.|||Most credit card companies report new accounts at the same time each month therefore depending on when the account was approved, it can take up to 60 days for standard reporting.

There are some extremes to this. Some of the major banks have direct reporting for near instantaneous additions, and some regional banks may take as long as 3-4 months depending on their technology and internal policy.

There is even one more greater, but less seen extreme; there are some subprime (primarily) credit cards that don't report to credit bureaus unless the account is derogatory. Some others may only report to 1-2 of the 3 main credit reporting agencies.

Best of luck,

Mike|||The standard is about 60 days.

Most credit card companies report to the 3 credit bureaus once a month at the end of each month.

Check your credit report around the 5th of next month.

For a free credit report with scores, go here:

When linking a credit card for a family member with your account, does your family member build credit?

I'm thinking about linking a credit card for my little brother. Hes 17 and wanted to see if he would able start his credit by me linking a credit card for him? Basically trying to build up credit at a young age.|||If you make your brother an authorized user on your account it will affect his credit rating. And it goes both ways. If you place him as an AU on a card in good standing, then it can generate a good credit score for him. But if the credit is bad, your brother's credit will be affected in a negative light. A nice thing to do and little downside if you have good credit and don't give him a card to actually use (thereby saving you piece of mind...)|||This is called Piggybacking.

It is a great idea.

You want to be sure the card falls into the following criteria in order for it to help your brother build credit.

1. Must be open a long time, preferably 3 + years.

2. Must have significant spending limit, preferably over 3,000

3. Must have low balance ie: Cant be maxed out, preferably less then 30% spent.

These are the facts....

Do what you will with them....

Dont give him a card, just make sure you give the creditor his social.

Only add him as an authorized user and all of your positive credit for that account will be added to his reports...|||Call your credit card company and ask. They are all different.

Also, open a joint checking or savings account in his name. Then get a credit card through the bank in your names.|||Good idea in theory but I don't think this will work. All transactions will still be in your name as far as credit is concerned.|||Linking a credit card from your brother to your account will not give him any credit. It will only give YOU credit. The account needs to be in his name, or you need to have what we call a "sub" account which involves a contract that he has to sign. Remember it can be dangerous if u give him a card and it is on your account and in your name. If he fails to pay the debt when it is due u can be the one held responsible for it!|||as long as his name is on the card too|||If you get him added as an authorized user, it may help, if the account is in perfect standing. Ideally, it's a card that you've had for many years.

Not every bank will report an authorized user to the credit bureaus. Only way to know is to call a couple of them.

Find your card that is the oldest account you have, with the highest limit available and the lowest balance. Try that one first.

Will a credit card application today affect closing on a home tomorrow?

I'm closing on a house tomorrow. Will my credit card application that went through today (rejected, btw) affect anything tomorrow? Or is it safe to assume all of the loan stuff is pretty much done, we just have to sign the papers? I have no credit history.|||It is not safe to say that everything is done and you very well could have prevented yourself from obtaining a loan. You need to contact your L.O. right away and explain what you have don and that it was declined. This way they can give the information to the under writter to show your good will at being transparent in the loan process.

It is always a mistake to apply for any form of credit while you are trying to obtain a home loan. If you really want to have a chance to buy a home do not do anything that will change the parameters given that you obtained your loan pre-approval on.|||If your credit was pulled over a month ago the mortgage company many times will re-pull before closing. Didn't your loan officer tell you not to buy anything or apply for credit prior to closing? I always tell my clients that. Most likely you are fine since it is only 1 day prior to closing though. Good luck!|||It should be done. You should have received a prelim copy of your HUD-1 settlement statement. As long as nothing from your application has changed, job, loans whatever, you should be fine.|||You'll be okay unless the lender runs a last minute credit check.


What is the best way to settle credit card debt?

I am in search of a company or method that will allow me to settle or consolidate my credit card debt. I have researched some companys but I am not sure what is real or a scam. Fidelity debt solutions is one of them. Has anyone had any luck with any of the debt consolidation programs or debt settling programs? Let me know. I need help. |||Try calling the credit card companies especially if u are 90 days late on the payments. Ask them if they will take 'payment in kind'. This means if u owe 2000 they may take 1200 cash. If they agree tell them to send u the paperwork which should state they will not report you to any of the credit bureaus. Then send them the agreed upon amount via certified mail. If they wont do that ask them to lower your interest rate. Most will do that.|||Amer Expr will hound ur fam if they dont get $;hounded my 80 yr old mom! I called them 2 settle cause hrs @ wk r down,they gave me a settle amount but NEVER SENT the confer letter so I could wire.I called them back n they don't know what I'm talking about.I wrote dates names times didn't matter.lies

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|||I work for a company that helps people out of debt without consolidation loans. It helps you pay off your interest based debts in 1/2 to 1/3 the time.

Go to this website and get a free analysis done to see if you qualify and see how much interest you can save.

The analysis won't ask for any account numbers, social security information, and such so no worries.

Also the company is rated highly with the Better Business Bureau, articles in leading magazines has been written on the company, and the company won the Ernst %26amp; Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for its Region in Financial Services and is up for the national award in November.

Check it out before you try anything else.

If you go the debt consolidation route be careful there are a lot of cmpanies that will end up hurting your creit or worse in debt.|||You can find a CCCS near you thru this site:

They have debt management programs available for a nominal fee. They don't negotiate settlements of your debts but they do negotiate lower interest and payments so you can pay off your debts.

You want to avoid settlement companies. They take your money every month and let all your accounts go 90 days past due. Then the offer lowball settlements under threat that you will file bankruptcy. Not only does this trash your credit, but many credit card companies refuse to play and will immediately sue you. The settlement company won't represent you or assist you in that lawsuit either.|||There is only one that is financed by the creditors with no cost to the applicant and is non profit. That is Consumer Credit Counseling Service or CCCS. Look in your phone book or the phone book of any larger city and contact them to see what Information they need from you to do an analysis of consolidation or settlement

Many of these companies make 10% on your money and never loan you one cent. In many States they are outlawed but can operate through the mail only.|||Many debt settlement companies end up ruining your credit and taking you for THOUSANDS of dollars in the process.

Check out the book "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. You can usually find it for $10 or less.鈥?/a>

Our family has totally transformed our lives and are now free of credit card bills and other loans. It was a simple, common sense solution. You'll be glad you did it!

Thousands of dollars vs a $10 book? No brainer! It really works!

Great question. Good luck!|||

don't worry there are online sites which solves your debt problem by getting you enrolled in online program and the entire process can be handled from the comfort and convenience of your home or can always speak with one of helpful account specialists who are standing by to assist you with any questions that you may have. thanks.

What is the punishment of credit card fraud in california?

The defendant spent 4,000 dollars with someone else's credit card and also sold some goods to others with the card. Please answer, thanks.|||It is virtually impossible to get the DA's office to file charges. I know someone who spent 25 grand and didn't spend one day in jail. It is low priority as far as crime is concerned. Energy better used for violent criminals and child molesters.|||

Report Abuse

|||prob 3 days in jail.

thats america for you haha.|||i know someone who spent 5 years in prison in CA for credit card fraud and the amount was $3000|||All depens on what the DA and judge had for breakfast and what happened the night before they looked at the case. Also depends on the person that committed the crime. Anything to a slap on the wrist with some community service time they will not do to prison of 5 plus years. Also depends on whether the credit card company get involved.

What's the lowest credit card companies will lower my interest rate?

I want my credit card interest rate lowered now that I paid it off. What's the lowest that they would lower it with a credit score of 759? The current APR is 19.53%.|||The lowest you can't get is 11%, I believe Discover offers that.

you might want to go here to compare them,|||My cards range from 7.99 to 10.99%.

How do you cancel a credit card account without affecting you in any way?

I have a credit account that started off charging a 9.9% anual fee. Recently, I've checked my statements and realize that it's been bumped up to 30% due to, first, the credit card being maxed out, and second, paying only the minimum fee.

WTF!!!|||CLOSING the account can hurt your credit score. It's a silly thing to do.

Being maxed out and paying the minimum isn't what raised your rate.

I think that part of the story is missing. Were you late with a payment ? Even by an hour ? Did you go over your limit ?

Were you late on a different credit card payment ?

Credit cards are a necessary thing in todays world.

People who "hate" them are ignorant.

When you use a credit card and pay the bill in full, you don't pay a single solitary penny in interest.

You can also get free airline trips, cruises and many other benefits by paying the bills on time AND NEVER paying a penny in interest. What is there to hate ?

People who tell you to go ahead and close the account are just as ignorant. You get credit in your credit score for the age of an account.

AND for the record, you CAN close an account with an open balance. You will still owe the balance though.

So many incorrect answers from people who really don't know what they are talking about, they just guess.|||First of all, you have to pay it off. Then just call the company and cancel the account. They will try to talk you out of it, but stand your ground. Don't be intimidated. I hate credit card companies. They will stuck you dry.|||Write a letter to them and first ask them to change your rate back. If they are unwilling to do that tell them to cancel the card.

I think these credit cards have lost their minds. At least you do pay, you pay the min, what is what they asked you to pay.|||You can either pay off your card or transfer the balance to another card. But keep in mind, if you have other debt, and you cancel a card that has no balance, you are lowering your debt to available debt ratio, which will affect your FICO score. Also take into account if this card has your highest limit and how long you've had your card. You don't want to cancel a card that that holds your highest limit %26amp; is on your credit history the longest. Personally, I would either pay off the card, or transfer the balance onto another card, and as long as you don't have any annual fees, I would just put the card away, or tear it up, so you can't use it anymore. If there's no balance, it doens't cost anything to keep the card, and you don't affect your credit in a negative way by closing the account....

Good luck...|||You have to pay it off to cancel it - if it's at all possible transfer your money to one of those cards that offers you a 0% (or a really low rate) on balance transfers. Then, cancel the card as soon as possible after you make the transfer - be sure you never have anything automatically charged to your credit card (like a magazine subscription renewal or something like that). It will definitely affect your credit score for a while - but so does carrying a maxed out card.

If you were even one day late on that card (or any other debt you have - even rent, car payment, etc) they have the right - read the small print - to bump up to those exobitant rates. They are all be investigated by congress, but nothing has come of it yet.

Good luck - these things are really tough!|||A creditor has several options that are covered in the agreement that you signed when you open the account by purchasing something with, mostly in very little print, but still they pull your credit report periodically in order to reevaluate whether or not an increase your credit, or if the payment is just 1 day late at the best rate then you have also authorized the reduce credit line, or interest rate. It happens to everyone at least once, I think you shoud inquiry fo a new card, info available. If you have good credit try Bank Of America and Wells Fargo but are outstanding customer service. Then once you find one you like and apply for are approved then transfer that high rate 30%

How long before my new credit card shows up on my report?

I recently (about a week ago) applied for a credit card. Today I checked my credit report, and it wasn't on there, how long will it take to show up?|||Generally 30 - 60 days. Creditors do not report on a daily basis.|||Most credit card companies report new accounts at the same time each month therefore depending on when the account was approved, it can take up to 60 days for standard reporting.

There are some extremes to this. Some of the major banks have direct reporting for near instantaneous additions, and some regional banks may take as long as 3-4 months depending on their technology and internal policy.

There is even one more greater, but less seen extreme; there are some subprime (primarily) credit cards that don't report to credit bureaus unless the account is derogatory. Some others may only report to 1-2 of the 3 main credit reporting agencies.

Best of luck,

Mike|||The standard is about 60 days.

Most credit card companies report to the 3 credit bureaus once a month at the end of each month.

Check your credit report around the 5th of next month.

For a free credit report with scores, go here:

When linking a credit card for a family member with your account, does your family member build credit?

I'm thinking about linking a credit card for my little brother. Hes 17 and wanted to see if he would able start his credit by me linking a credit card for him? Basically trying to build up credit at a young age.|||If you make your brother an authorized user on your account it will affect his credit rating. And it goes both ways. If you place him as an AU on a card in good standing, then it can generate a good credit score for him. But if the credit is bad, your brother's credit will be affected in a negative light. A nice thing to do and little downside if you have good credit and don't give him a card to actually use (thereby saving you piece of mind...)|||This is called Piggybacking.

It is a great idea.

You want to be sure the card falls into the following criteria in order for it to help your brother build credit.

1. Must be open a long time, preferably 3 + years.

2. Must have significant spending limit, preferably over 3,000

3. Must have low balance ie: Cant be maxed out, preferably less then 30% spent.

These are the facts....

Do what you will with them....

Dont give him a card, just make sure you give the creditor his social.

Only add him as an authorized user and all of your positive credit for that account will be added to his reports...|||Call your credit card company and ask. They are all different.

Also, open a joint checking or savings account in his name. Then get a credit card through the bank in your names.|||Good idea in theory but I don't think this will work. All transactions will still be in your name as far as credit is concerned.|||Linking a credit card from your brother to your account will not give him any credit. It will only give YOU credit. The account needs to be in his name, or you need to have what we call a "sub" account which involves a contract that he has to sign. Remember it can be dangerous if u give him a card and it is on your account and in your name. If he fails to pay the debt when it is due u can be the one held responsible for it!|||as long as his name is on the card too|||If you get him added as an authorized user, it may help, if the account is in perfect standing. Ideally, it's a card that you've had for many years.

Not every bank will report an authorized user to the credit bureaus. Only way to know is to call a couple of them.

Find your card that is the oldest account you have, with the highest limit available and the lowest balance. Try that one first.

How does a debit/credit card work?

If you have a "check card", or a credit card that is linked to your debit account how does it work?

I know if you debit something it comes right out of your checking account, but if you decide to use the "credit" portion of the card how does that work?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.|||A "debit" hits your account immediately because you authorize it using your PIN number. A "credit" can take up to 48 hours to come out of your account because you authorize it with your signature.

Most businesses would prefer you to use your card as an ATM (debit) because they get charged a fee for processing a credit card (visa might charge them 2% of the amount for instance) which gives them less profit. Banks like you to use the ATM feature because the money is processed immediately.

Hope this helps!

What's the lowest credit card companies will lower my interest rate?

I want my credit card interest rate lowered now that I paid it off. What's the lowest that they would lower it with a credit score of 759? The current APR is 19.53%.|||The lowest you can't get is 11%, I believe Discover offers that.

you might want to go here to compare them,|||My cards range from 7.99 to 10.99%.

How long does it take for a credit card transaction that has been authorized to be posted to your account?

My available credit has been lowered but it still says my current balance is $0. It is a Citi visa card.|||Usually transactions pend in you account as soon as you use your credit card, but depending on what day it is and if the banks are open, it takes a couple of days to post. Before a weekend, the transaction will pend as usual and they will predate it to the date that they are actually posting the transaction. For example-if you made the purchase on Friday 30 May , the transaction will be pending, but it will say next to it 02 June-which is when they will post it. Hope i answered your question|||your current balance means you dont owe a payment at this time. and if your credit has been lowered then you dont have the same amount you once did. if you call the 800 number on the back of your card it will tell you how much available credit you have left.|||transactions usually show up minutes after, but can take up to three days or so to post. Your credit limit going lower would be the credit card company, not the transaction so call them up|||call customer service and they will tell you exactly

What is the safest and secure way to use credit card on internate?

when transanction is made by credit card(on internate),can other party use the details of my credit card for removing cash from my account as well as any other illegal transanction?can hackers read the details of my credit card when i am making on line payment?what is the safest and secure way to use credit card on line?|||I would suggest looking into getting a reloadable prepaid credit card for doing any transactions online spending limits are set by the amount of money you load onto the card. When you make a purchase with a prepaid credit card the purchase amount is deducted from the card balance.

If some attacker gets a hold of your card and you only loaded it with $200 bucks he's not going to be able to buy a $1000 HD TV at amazon at your expense.|||Pls check the security features, also privacy policy of each website before you do business with them. Usually if you're on a secure page, there's a little lock symbol on the page, %26amp; it's safe to use a credit card. You should run Ad-aware on a regular basis as well.鈥?/a>|||I usually recommend to purchase one of those pre-paid credit cards, another thing that is a good idea is to set up a bank account at another financial institute other than your personal one to use for online purchases. Keep a small amount of money in it that way if something were to happen you are not out alot of funds

And always make sure when you are doing online purchases to look at the address in your browser and make sure it's a secured site (which will read https) very important!!|||Only if you are infected with a trojan/backdoor, spyware, or if someone is keylogging you with programs, where it stores all the info for the person to read, or if your doing it publicly, or if the website is not a secured and encrypted validation credit card payment option : Download verification Engine from Comodo to avoid such fake certificates.

Anyways make sure the website is 256-bit or higher protection with Hacker Daily or something sign. To know that its safe. And use a siteadvisor like McAfee to prevent merchant issues or unnecessary risks.|||Try PayPal. You pay with your credit card, but who you're buying from doesn't get your credit card number.||| is to safest.

What is the most prevelent credit card in Italy?

I am visiting Italy this spring break and I want to know what the most used credit card is in Italy, specifically in Rome, Venice, and Florence.|||Visa and Mastercard, equally accepted; with ANY other(American Express, Diners, Discovery, ...) you may get some trouble.|||visa, no questions. it's never failed me there|||visa or mastercard.......... hope you have a great time in Italy!!!!!!!|||Visa %26lt;*-*%26gt;|||Visa and Mastercard

Diners and American Express are not always accepted.|||Hi. I'm Italian and I live here in Milan. I'm a guest here:-). I try to get better my English.

Anyway, came here with a Visa and you'll not have problem.

Ciao.|||Visa is the most used. Mastercard, Diners and American Express are ok tho.|||I use Visa or MasterCard (which is also called EuroCard in Europe) in Italy with no problems whatsoever.|||Everyone said it right, the ones we most use are VISA and MASTERCARD.

Do not take with you an American Express, it's not worth it.

Anyhow, in Italy is preferable to use debit cards (ATMs are called Bancomats) because you don't have any charges (or almost) when credit cards do.

If someone pickpockets you, then, they cannot use your debit card (bancomat) but they can with credit cards (... actually in some big shops there's the tendency to check the name of the possessor with a ID, but this doesn't always apply). Anyway make sure with your bank everything is accepted into the Visa Network.

As I live in Venice, I can tell you some shops could not accept credit cards, so it is better to have some money with you.

At last if you choose credit cards, take a debit one with you, just in case something happens (one of my friends was robbed when we were in NZ and it was no pleasant to be broke and have to call all banks to block cards and stuff).

I found some good tips (in English) at this link, check it out:

http:// /cgi-bin/ WebX?128 @@.ef2a 313/1

(delete the blanks)

Hope this helps... Ciao!

How do I cancel my credit card on my xbox live account?

I tried to cancel my credit card on my xbox live account online and it said it could not do that at this time I want it to stop auto renewing the xbox live pleeeasee help!|||You can just call xbox and have them shut off the auto renew. It wont let you delete the card if it's the only on on it.|||you better call them. go to and find a phone number before they renew your subscription.

How can you get a credit line established if you dont have a credit card?

Ok I cant seem to be able to get a credit card due to no credit on file how do i establish a credit line.|||Start with department store cards. After six months try for a Visa or MC where you have your checking account.|||you can get a secured credit card to establish a credit line- after one year, if you pay your bills responsibly, then you will most likely be approved for a credit card.creditcardlocators can help you with what you need.

They offer you an easy way to browse and compare over different types of credit cards/debit cards to find the perfect match.

Whether you are looking to rebuild your credit, have a new credit history or /and earn rewards and points.

Just search creditcardlocators on the search engine for more information.|||You start with a secured credit card. Just Google "Secure Visa" or "Secure Mastercard."

You'll see oodles of them. Basically, the way this works is you give them a deposit, and that sets your credit limit. Say $300. You then use this card exactly like you would a credit card. Make charges, payments, etc. It is a credit card so it builds up positive credit info in your report if handled well. After 6 months or a year of building up a good record, these usually will refund your deposit and convert it to a normal credit card.|||Start of very slow, and make sure you know everything and read everything that your signing up for and getting into.

One quick way is to by renting an apartment, purchase a prepaid credit card, get secured credit card, or just save your money purchase through cash.

Another great option are looking for student credit cards or reward business cards.|||Some banks offer "secured" credit cards to depositors with no credit history. Go to one of the banks that offer "secured" credit cards to depositors with no credit history. Deposit money there. Obtain a "secured" credit card there. Do not apply for any more credit cards until you have built a good credit history using the "secured" credit card.|||You will want a secured credit card. I googled "secured credit cards" and found a site called findsecuredcards that looked pretty good. Check that out, and see if theres a card on there for you.||| - worked for me and showed me how to establish business credit without using personal credit

Do I bring my business credit card bills to my accountant when filing for expense deductions?

I had recently opened a new business, but I was not sure how to file for expense deductions for taxes. Do I bring my credit card bills? Or how would I present my expenses to my accountant?|||Credit card records do not provide enough details, since that only shows where you spend money, not what you spent it on. So as mentioned you should have actual invoices or receipts for any business expenses.

And if you pay anyone over $600 for contract work, you should either get a W-9 from them or deduct default withholding from payment, and file a 1099 for them with the IRS.|||You are actually supposed to bring individual receipts for each expense. A credit card statement does not have enough information to determine if the expense is one for which you are allowed a deduction.|||You also need the invoices. The fact you spent money is not enough to show what it's for.|||Bring Both.

What is the best way to pay off credit card debt?

My credit card balance is $30,000. Would it be best if I take out a low interest loan for this amount, or home equity loan, or just keep paying on my credit card bill monthly? |||From Consumer Reports.

The best cards for balance transfers.

Capital One Platimum prestige

Clear from american express - still 0 apr for 12 months on transfers

Iberbank Visa Classic

Simmons First Visa Plantinum

= Just in case you don't get a home equity loan.

.|||Wow, these answers are terrible! I worked at Experian credit union in the past, and the best way is to not take out any more loans or open any more credit accounts! Look at all of your debts, and transfer all of your balances to your lowest interest card. Limit spending as much as possible, and start to pay as much as you can (realistically) on the card to pay it off. Resist all urges to open new accounts with 0% interest, as these usually have higher interest rates after 12 months. Also, transferring balances from account to account does not improve your credit, because the amounts owed on all of your accounts will always show on and affect your credit report and score. |||If your interest rate were 9.9%,and you could manage to pay close to $400 per month, you could pay down that debt in 10 years:

What will it take to pay off my credit card?

Enter your credit card balance: $ 30000

Enter the credit card's interest rate: 9.9%

*Enter payment amount per month: $394.79

It will take you 120 months (10 years) to pay off your credit card.

I've included a link to direct you to a credit card debt calculator. If your credit card gives you a low interest rate, it is probably best to keep the card and pay it down. If you take a home equity line of credit, you are making more of a problem for yourself by increasing your indebtedness. Don't close the credit card account- if you do you could end up closing the credit history on that card as well. Consider your debt to credit ratio also. Do you have credit left available on this particular card?

|||I recommend a website called The Consumerist. Check it out and do a search for "credit cards" or "credit card debt" and it'll help. It's good for a million other things, but consumer protection is it's number one goal.

First, talk to your credit card company. You know all of those other credit card offers you get (I'm sure you're getting a million by now)? Take the info from there (say they're offering you 0% for example) and tell your current credit card company that you're thinking of switching. No one wants to lose your business, and they'll most likely match, or come close to the competitor's rate. Check your bill, but you're probably paying close to 20% in interest, if not more. Make sure to pay on time as well, as that's usually the generic excuse for jacking up someone's rate.

Also, you need to budget. I know it sounds lame, but it's really easy, and in no time, you'll realize how much money you were wasting (trust me). If you know how to use Excel, then just do it in there. You don't even need the equations, just the grid to make it easier to read. Write down what your "fixed" expenses are; these are things like rent, car insurance, utility bills, a mortgage, etc. They're something you'll see every month. Once you know what your fixed expenses are, prioritize them over your other expenses...things like Friday night, a new pair of shoes or a TV are not priorities right now...just that credit card bill is, in theory. You could even go full-dork, and color code things in terms of importance, or just for the sake of easy identification. The more you know about where your money is going, the better off you'll be.

Allow yourself a little spending money for a rainy day, but for the most part, not prioritizing your expenses is what go you here to begin with, so don't go nuts. You'll definitely have to cut back on some's a sacrifice you have to make now. Take any cash saved and deposit it immediately. It's like the saying, "idle minds make for the devil's workshop." If you have that money sitting in your pocket, you're going to want to spend it. Instead, drop it into a high interest savings account like at ING or something. They're getting close to 5% I think, so it's almost like taking an additional 5% off of your debt obligation, just by putting money away.

I WOULD NOT recommend a home equity loan, but I'm not an economist. To me, that seems a little dangerous in this market, especially in this housing market. Also, I don't even know how likely it is that you'll get a low interest rate loan with that kind of debt behind you.

Finally, take the time to read and understand all of that fine print in the contracts that the credit card companies love to give us and hide little details like a 29% interest rate. I'm sure there's a ton more info in there as well. |||Work hard even take up a second job to keep paying off the balance. With your credit card balance, you might not qualify for a home equity loan.

Stop spending. Put away your credit cards. If you don't have cash to pay for things you need, don't buy them. You'll be surprised how fast you can become debt free since you are not adding any amounts.|||Pay it off with another credit card that has 0 interest if balance is paid within 30 days. Then pay that one off with the old credit card and forever move the balance back and forth never having to pay it off and having great credit in the process.|||

Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.

|||Well home equity will pay it off in 15 years with a low interest rate but be carefull not to rack it back up after doing so!

PS Stop shopping or get a rich man!LOL|||yup

talk to your banker

Is it possible that a credit card purchase I made overseas did not go through?

I remember signing the receipt and everything, but I haven't seen anything on my online statement yet. It's been about 2 weeks so far and everything else I purchased there (Japan) with my credit card has shown up. Am I really lucky or is it just a matter of time?|||more than likely it is a matter of time, i would keep enough money on the card for what ever the amount was

they will want their money eventually,

the reason they wait is because the credit card companies charge them eigther a % of the sales, or they charge per transaction, and they are better off turning them in all at once, than one at a time|||Some overseas credit card places process the cards only once a month - so be assured the charge will eventually appear - make sure to have the credit available on the card!|||Its a matter of time. Some places only do their credit card submissions a couple of times a year, especially smaller business. I had one charge last year come up on my card and it drove me nuts trying to figure it out.......then I realized it was a little kiosk I had bought something from several months earlier. My credit card company told me what I've mentioned above.|||of course not it takes longer to post give it a few weeks maybe a month or so and than check your bank

Is it a good idea to pay off credit card debt by taking a withdraw from a 401k account?

Recently divorced, had to use credit card to buy furniture, household items, etc. I bought a house, but had to use the equity to purchase a new furnace this past winter and replace the windows. I have about $10000 in credit card debt, and I have $84000 in my 401k.||| not really. You will pay approximately 25% of your withdrawal in penalties and taxes. Unless you "loan" the money to yourself. Some 401k's allow this.|||I heard if you do that you have to put that money right back in your 401k account. I dont know how you would do that!|||I think it is an excellent way to borrow.

The interest rate is much lower than your credit cards and you will be paying the loan back. The way I see it if you can't afford to live today it doesn't really matter about tomorrow....there may not be a tomorrow.|||You will pay tax and early withdraw penalties if you do that. Your probably better off paying the card off by making more than the min payment if the interest is low enough on your card. you can negotiate a better interest rate with the card co.|||Not really. Not if you can afford the payments and a little extra. Focus on the smallest card first and as soon as its paid, snowball that amount into the next smallest card.

A 401K withdrawl involves income tax and penalties.... a minimum of about 30% in fees. That's HEFTY. For 10K in card debt you lose over $3000.

A 401K loan is not much better. Yes, you are "paying yourself interest" but then on top of that you're not EARNING the interest you would have gotten, so its costing you twice as much as you think it is.

Btw-- furniture and windows, unless the windows were broken, aren't necessities. I have old school aluminum single pane windows and will be replacing them one at a time as I have the funds.|||I would let the Credit card debt go into collections if they havent yet and then settle them for 50% or as low as you can get.. Just pretend you don't have the money and offer'll save alot of money.. Leave your 401K alone, the credit card companies don't need it that bad just settle with them...|||It matters how old you are. If you're young, you could do what I did, I took a loan out of my 401K. This was not just taking the money, because I would have paid a penalty, but I borrowed it as a loan, and I am paying it back out of each paycheck. I had to buy a car, and the one I wanted was just a little more than what I had available to me, and what that plus my trade in would get. I chose to get the newer model, thus I had to borrow some. Rather than pay all the interest to the car company, I got the 401K loan, and sent the car loan company the full balance, and now I'm paying back the remaining balance to my 401K. In the end I will have paid myself more than what I borrowed. I am only 31, so I figure it's okay, it's not going to hurt my 401K in the long run. But then, I have a small loan. I took out $2,100 and am paying it back over 2 years. I worked it out so that I only took away what my raise was last fall, so I still have what I made prior to that, and I can still live just fine. When I get my property tax refund, I will pay some of that towards my 401K loan, so that I can pay it off quicker than 2 years.

Now, for your situation, I'd say never take out money just taking it out, you'd pay a penalty. I would look into seeing if you could afford to take a loan from your 401K. If you're within 10 years of retirement, I'd say, don't do it, since the amount you would owe back to yourself is a lot, but if you're young, and could afford a rate to pay that back to yourself within 5 years or so, then I'd go for it. Why pay the interest rate to the credit card company, when you can pay it to yourself??? Good luck with it.|||Absolutely! I had to do this, too. You end up repaying yourself with interest. The credit card companies don't need your money.

You can only do one at a time, though. Plan ahead.|||I would say no because the taxes that you will pay in you withdrawal will be the same if not more that the interest that you are going to pay on the credit cards, I would look into trying to find credit cards that have lower interest rates or ones with 0% for a limited time transfer the balances and then pay what you can every month when the 0% period is over than look for another card that you can transfer balance for 0% until you can get them paid down, remember to look and make sure that credit offer clearly stats 0% on balance transfers, if you would like help finding these cards than look at my profile for a site that will lead you in the right direction! Best of Luck I hope that this helped you !

Is there a credit card with no fee balance transfer and a 0% APR on balance transfers?


I made a big purchase in June and that bill ($12,000) is coming due in early August. I wouldn't mind delaying that payment somehow. I was thinking of transferring the balance to another card if possible. Are there any good cards out there for such a thing? (I always pay my bills on time and have excellent credit.)

Thanks a lot!|||Not any more.

How to pay off a credit card while in jail?

Might be going to jail for a couple years. How do I pay off my credit card?|||Do you have a mom you can have take over your checking account and have her pay the bill?|||This is going to be hard as your mailing and Internet privileges are restricted. I don't believe that you would even be able to write a check while in prison.

If you have the money and you have a trusted friend or family member, have them pay on the account.

Consider signing over Power of Attorney to that person if they'd take on the responsibility.

Honestly, if you're really going to prison for 2 years, you could just default on the debt. Once they find out you're in prison the creditors would write off the debt and walk away from it.|||Well, first, you would need the money before you get locked up. Wages paid while doing work duty in jail aren't much and probably won't even cover the minimum payment.. you probably would rather use that money for goodies from the commissary anyways! LOL

If you don't have enough money to pay it off while you are *away*, there isn't much you can do unless a relative is up for making the minimum payments until you get out, and then you paying them back, and picking up the payments where they left off.

Can I pay utility bills with a credit card?

I'm a student, and my roommate has been paying for utilities. I just give him a check and he takes care of it. I was wondering, though, if I can, in the future pay utility bills with a credit card because I noticed that some rewards credit cards give extra points or cash back when used for paying utilities. Can all utility bills be paid with a credit card?|||Many utilities accept payment by credit card. You can do this online by going to their website.|||When a company wants to charge a fee I usually call up their customer service and yell about having to pay a fee to make a payment. I tell them it's stupid to have to pay to make a payment. I pay about 20 bills online using a debit from my checking account.

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|||Many it seems take debit/checking account no problem. But credit card was what I was wondering about.

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|||Credit cards gives you extra facility in times of emergency but if you use it every now and then for unnecessary things, you will face a great trouble in future--as you are a student.Be careful in using credit card.|||it depends on the Credit card ur using, login to your credit card site %26amp; check for which your card is allowed to pay utility bills, Yes, its corect that u get some reward points when u pay utility bills online through your credit cards but make sure that you pay the bills before the last date.|||Yes, however, as soon as you moved and disconnect the service, you must let them know immediately. Otherwise, they will continue to debit your credit card. I've seen it a lot even when people disconnected the service, the utility company continues charging their credit card.

Earning rewards sounds tempting but you only earn 1 point for every dollar you spent. When you redem it, you can only get .05 for every dollar you spent. Lets say in order for you to get a free airline ticket, you must earn 25.000 points, that means you have to spend $25.000 on your card. When you redem it, that's only worth 1250 of 25.000 that you earn.

Points expire in 5 years.

Can I use a check card to instead of credit card for pay online?

I want buy something online ,but the website display the payment method is only credt card. But I only have check card because I am a student. I have enough money in my check card that can pay for that thing's prize. So, I am curious about is it allowed if I pay with my check card to instead of credit card?

Thanks !|||If your check card has the MasterCard logo or the Visa logo then you can use it just like a credit card. It will work the same way, except the money will come out of your checking account as apposed to a line of credit that a Credit Card would have.|||Some companies online do offer you to pay using Alertpay or Paypal. Once you sign up for both they will send you two small payments to your account. Then you need to verify the deposits. Now you can make payments using both PayPal or Alertpay. You can send a deposit from your checking account to your PayPal or Alertpay it will take about 2-5 days to get there. Of if you purchase something online then it will be taken out of your checking account automatically.

How can you stop getting credit card offers in the mail?

I keep getting tons of credit card offers in the mail from many different companies. How can I get off of this mailing list?|||The credit bureaus offer a toll-free number that enables you to “opt-out” of having pre-approved credit offers sent to you for two years. Call 1-888-5-OPTOUT (567-8688) for more information.|||Die.

just kidding! Really I have no idea, but I do wonder the same thing. They are really annoying!|||I dont think it's possible but u can try calling the phone #s or returning the mail back to sender to request to be taken off the mailing list. i hope they'll listen.|||Many have an opt-out number or address at the bottom of the offer that you can call or write.|||write return to sender on the envelopes and send them all back. the companies dont like paying the return postage so they take your name off their mailing list.|||If you decide that you don’t want to receive prescreened offers of credit and insurance, you have two choices: You can opt out of receiving them for five years or opt out of receiving them permanently. Call toll-free 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) or visit for details. The telephone number and website are operated by the major consumer reporting companies. When you call or visit the website, you’ll be asked to provide certain personal information, including your home telephone number, name, Social Security number, and date of birth. The information you provide is confidential and will be used only to process your request to opt out.

Remember that if you have joint credit relationships, like a mortgage or a car loan with a spouse, partner, or other adult, you may continue to receive some prescreened solicitations until both of you exercise your opt-out right.|||go to

This is the only way to remove yourself from the pre-approved or pre-screened credit offers. You may get non-screened offers still, but you should see your mail cut by 75%, at least with credit offers.

Rumor has it, you might even see a small increase in your credit scores, since you won't be getting pounded with offers for I believe 3 years.|||Lots of good information about this is at the link below. You need to proactively tell the companies to "delete" you from their mailing lists.

Many credit card companies will also take you off their advertising lists if you call their customer service number (Citibank will put you on a "do not solicit" list if you call and ask them.)

Why dont the credit card companies check the delivery address when fraud transactions happen?

My card was used fraudulently to buy a plasma screen..... Why dont the credit card companies check the delivery address given, surely they would then catch the crooks? Can anyone advise why this does not happen.|||Because they are sure the card holder will be forced to pay the bill, and therefore get their money back, plus the transaction fee from the merchant. Credit card companies are pretty crooked.|||The credit card company NEVER has access to the delivery address. Even if they did, how would they know I didn't have the item sent to my sister. Actually, I HAVE done that before.

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|||Because you can have items you purchase shipped wherever you want and that does not necessarily put up a red flag. You have to check to make sure you have your credit card in your possession so it does not get used. If it was appropriated you can file a dispute with your credit card company so they can investigate and decide if you made the charge or not.|||People do buy gifts you and ship them there you know.

How do I find the last date of activity on a closed credit card?

We have a credit card company taking us to court. I think its past the statue of limitations 4 years in Nevada as far as I know. We printed out a credit report but it does not have the date of last activity. We called the credit card company %26amp; the case has been transferred to collections obviously. So does anybody know how to get the last date of activity on a credit card? Any info will be help full. Thanks.|||The credit card company should be able to provide you with a copy of your last statement, or at the very least a statement of account activity. Even if it's been turned over to a collection company, they (the c/c company) still retains all rights and documentation that applies to the account. Try looking up the Fair Credit Reporting Act for specific language.|||your cr should show a charge off date which should be 6 mos. after default. try your other 2 reports. i think experian is the one that shows account history.

Which airline has the best credit card offer for earning flights on everyday purchases?

I am looking to get a credit card. I want to find an airline that gives points on everyday purchases but I don't know which one would be my best option. Help!|||I know that United and Delta have credit cards which will waive the first year's annual fee. You earn 1 mile for each dollar spent and 2 miles for each dollar spent buying airline tickets. Capital One also has a credit card where you can earn points on airlines and not have a blackout date. However with these credit cards, there are annual fees associated with them and once you receive enough miles for a free ticket, there is no guarantee that you will be able to use them when you want to because so many people have frequent flier miles now. My recommendation is to just get a credit card that gives you cash back. I currently use a Chase Freedom Visa card that gives me 5% back on things such as gas and groceries and 1% back on other things.|||The thing would be for you to find out which airline has a hub operation at the airport which is closet to you. A hub is an airport where a particular airline has flights to many destinations. For example Delta has a major hub in Atlanta and American Airlines has a major hub in Dallas / Fort-Worth.

All airlines offer credit travel credit cards with rewards so it would be best to get the card for an airline that has many routes from your nearest airport. If you lived in Atlanta I would recommend getting a Delta Skymiles Card, If you lived in Dallas I would recommend getting an American Airlines AA Advantage Card, or the Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Visa.

Again just about every major airline has a rewards card so take your pick.

Here is a link with a good review for the Delta Skymiles Card鈥?/a>

Link for Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Visa鈥?/a>|||There is no best credit card for every person. The best card for you will depend on some variables. The most important question is what do you want to use the miles for? Going one place over and over? Going different places? My card of choice is Hawaiian miles, because whenever I accumulate enough miles for two roundtrip flights, my spouse and I are more than willing to go! Sometimes we get enough for once a year, sometimes every two years, just depends.

The second thing is to figure out which airline flies out of your home city to the places you want to go. It does no good to have a bunch of miles that you cannot use.

Terms are important too, you want a card that will give you at least one mile per dollar, preferably with some extras thrown in. Example, with Hawaiian, I get one mile per dollar everywhere, 2 per dollar on Hawaiian purchases, and there are special merchants where I can earn 5 - 10 miles per dollar.|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Why does putting your credit card in plastic bag for scanning help the scanner read a worn-out card?

At the grocery store, my credit card doesn't always go through right away when the clerk scans it so often they put it in a plastic bag and scan it and voila, it usually scans right away. Wondering why this would help a scanner read a worn-out card with a magnetic strip that is getting old.|||It puts extra material in the area of the scanner with the "READ" head which is set for the thickness of a "normal" card

If your card is worn this then forces the card against the "READ" head harder there by transferring the information to the "READ" head and to the computer.|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Why do credit card companies always ask if you rent or own a home?

why is this always part of the question in applying for a credit card?|||I think they use that to help them decide your starting credit line and/or to find out what kind of other payments you make. I dont know much, but i think its part of your evalution.|||The assumption is if you own a home you have some equity in it that could be used to pay your bill...

What come sup on my credit card bill when I buy something off of the internet?

On my AMEX credit card, if I buy something online, will it show what address it is shipped to?|||It looks like any other charge on your card. The company name, the date and the amount. The company name may be listed as a dot com, but that would be about all.|||No, just the name of the company you bought it from. If you're buying something pornographic they usually have some kind of neutral name for the company so you won't be embarrassed

How can you pay for an Amtrak trip without a credit card?

I don't have a credit card so I can't purchase my ticket online, and I can't go to a station because there are none near me. Is there any way that I can purchase my ticket with a debit card? Over the phone or something?

I don't know what other options I have.

If I wait and buy it at the station will there be a chance that I won't be able to get on the train, like if it is full or something? And will the price be higher?|||You can call them and ask.

1-800-872-7245|||i recently bought train tickets from Amtrak with my debit card. you can order them online with your debit card and have them mailed or print them out at a quik-track machine.

if you wait the train may fill up you always want to pay ahead so they give you a reservation

How can I get a credit card limit raised?

I called bank of america, they said they cannot raise my credit limit because I called and they said they cannot because I make $1200 a month. I spend my own card for my company and I only have $400 left to spend. How can I survive for the incoming months? Is $1200 a month a problem?|||You would definitely have a problem getting that raised on your personal credit card. It sounds as though you are using this for your private business. Credit card companies will not consider your business income in relation to a personal credit card. Call Bank of America back and ask them if it is possible to apply for a Business Credit Card. You should have 2+ years within the business and be ready to report your personal earnings within the company and be ready to produce all tax filings. Hopefully this helps!|||Each credit card company handles credit increases differently. Some re-run your credit when YOU ask them for an increase. Based on your credit and income information, they make a decision. Making 1200/mo is equivalent to 14,400 per year which is quite low (poverty level) so I can understand their decision. Some other credit card companies do complimentary line increases from time to time (Washington Mutual does that) and will NOT increase them if you ask them to. They'll increase based on if you pay on time and don't go over your limit.

My best suggestion is to *not* use your personal credit card for company expenses. Make your company pay for those things. If you are required to use your personal card for business expenses, make sure your company reimburses you immediately.|||If you are using your credit card for someplace you work for and don't own - then stop. You need to tell your employer you just can't do it anymore, the credit limit isn't high enough and they won't raise it because of your income. You should never compromise your credit for someone else!|||$1200 a month depends on your expenses. You can always try applying for another credit card for your business.... so technically your credit limit would be "raised" But don't use credit cards to survive. You can put yourself in a bad place if you can't pay them off.鈥?/a>|||Best is to apply for a business card. American Express is especially known for a more generous limits(especially if your business has a TIN). Please click below to research, compare, and apply for a business credit card.鈥?/a>

Why do credit card fraudsters get away with it?

I bought some stuff online a few months ago and was soon contacted by my credit card company to say that someone bought 200 worth of goods with my card. I got a new one and today got another call to say someone tried to book into a hotel twice today with my card. Whay does this keep happening. Could my computer be infected . Also why do these fraudsters get away with it? I asked the guy from the card company if the person would be caught and he said no probably not?|||There is no way to prove who is doing it that is why credit cards usually have insurance on them. I should know my wallet was stolen this past weekend and I am dealing with the same stuff now. Also with my bank because somehow they hacked my pin and took like $900 out of my account taht I didn;t have|||It is not worth it for the card company to invest all that money into finding the person. It is cheaper for them to just reimburse the fraudulent charges and move on. It is frustrating though that they get away with this!

Your computer could definitely be infected, because twice in a row seems suspicious. Either that or someone in your neighborhood is raiding your mailbox. I would take the computer to a computer shop to have them check it for viruses just to be on the safe side. Also, make sure to get a free credit report done to make sure nothing else strange is going on!|||Because "fraudsters" (LOL!!) evolve just as fast as the security technology used to stop them. Fraudsters the these hackers look at stealing your information as their job or purpose in life. You're not dealing with idiots who don't know how to work at computer. Also employees of the credit card companies are willing to sell the information to them because they aren't getting paid enough and are disgruntle.|||They had something on this on 60 minutes. It's amazing what they can get away with. The good news is that you aren't liable for more than $50 by law, so you really don't need credit card insurance.

You may have to increase your security on your computer if you keep credit card numbers on your computer. You also might have some kind of hackers into your computer, especially if you have anything there such as a whole slew of website where you pay your account on line.

Who knows? I'm not an i. t. person, but I haven't been hacked either.

Good luck.|||cost of investigating is insane.and has insurance covers banks,they weigh it out and just pay off. Dont really like insurance companies anyways.they refused to pay out on my genuine claim once.Careful using ur card online.there are hackers that can get ur details of web sites that store ur information.get visa verified and limit info u leave on social websites|||Because the credit card companies don't prosecute. They write it off as a cost of doing business, which ultimately hurts you, the credit card user, through higher interest rates and fees.

Is it possible for a person to use credit card number to make purchases?

So i ordered something online, and a few days later a person calls me up froom that store to verify the location and some thing about the credit card. So she told me to give ehr the credit card number and expiration date. Is is possible for her to make any other purchases illegally with these two pieces of information? Have a made a silly decision giving the shop attendant the information?|||Never, ever give out that information. You need to call the credit card company RIGHT NOW--unless they have called you. Someone is probably racking up charges in your name. Never, ever give a caller info. IF you think they are calling you, tell them you will have to get back with them, then call the number that is on your card, not any number someone on the phone gives you.

|||you shouldnt have gave those numbers. and yes, whoever you talked to will have access in using that card. spc. online purchases. when you do online purchases, the company will only get in touch with you thru snail mail not phone.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Capitol One Credit Card. How do I get them to set up a repayment plan?

Lost my job. Cant make payments. I talked to all my other credit card companies and have set up repayment plans and got my interest rates lowered. Capitol One will not talk to me. They have jacked up my interest rates to 29% and my monthly payments are more than ever. Has anyone had any luck working with this company to lower interest rates or payment amounts? If so I would appreciate any tips.|||A bad credit score used to make it impossible for individuals and families to borrow money for home and car financing. Today, there are several companies which not only give individuals with bad credit unsecured loans but actually cater to people who have extremely low credit scores.

If you are interested in an unsecured loan there are a number of issues to explore before applying. The first and most important step is knowing how bad your credit score is. The easiest way to get your credit score is to go to a credit agency. However, there are banks and mortgage companies which offer their customers a free yearly credit report 鈥?all you have to do is ask.|||Sorry, everything I have heard about Cap One is that they are the absolute worst.

How do I change my credit card info on the playstation network through my PSP?

And can you do that if you're a "sub" account? Is the credit card info mine or my parent account's?|||you have to go on the playstation website itself then go to your account

Credit card?

so if i make one payment that will start to build my credit right|||Yes as long as it is on time and for the correct amount.|||Hmm...financhomenow looks like he's trying to pull some kind of Nigerian scam.

Credit card?

my credit card is due to expire next month,and i am unemployed now.i wasnt when they issued it to me a few years ago. my credit rating is good,but its almost maxed out now. im wondering will they let me renew the card,or not,because i am unemployed now.i really hope they will renew it for me,but im thinking they wont as im not working now.anyone any advice or experiences with this?|||If you're using special payment arrangements because of your unemployment then probably not.

If you're meeting the "normal" arrangements on time then I don't see why not.

**in that case, your credit rating will not have altered, so they should renew the card**|||It would be better they don't. What is on the horizon to improve your situation? Or will you remain unemployed, with interest rates rising, and using the card? You will never be debt-free like that!|||What I'm thinking is that they shouldn't anyway for your sake. Get a job ASAP and start earning plus money rather than creating debt for yourself.|||Chances are good that they will renew it as long as you are in good standing with them. Some card issuers will recheck your credit report/score before reissuance, and may determine not to renew.

30 days away? You should know soon.

You might be interested in the free Credit Management Report in pdf format at the site below.|||They send you a new one as long as the card is in good standing.

Credit Card?

I am 19 and I have pretty bad credit by letting my discover and citi cards go out of hand by not paying the bills because I used them to pay for my college. I want to get a good credit card that helps re-build my credit. What are the best cards to rebuild your credit when you have a very poor credit??|||You are in a tough situation. You need to figure out a way to finish with the collection agencies, for as long as you are paying them, it is considered bad. After you finish paying, it generally takes 5-7 years for the negative information from the bureau to be removed. You have two options to improve your credit:

1) ask your relative, or a good friend preferably older who has had good credit to add you as an authorized user on their credit card(they don't need to give you a card). This should boost your score, theirs will not be hurt by you.

2) As you mentioned above, if you NEED a credit card now, a secured credit card might not be a bad idea. Please visit鈥?/a> to research a secured credit card for you. I would recommend the Bank of America - Secured Visa庐 Card as BofA later might give you an option to upgrade to one of their regular cards.

Best of Luck|||you are in a difficult situation, but in building your credit, you do have to start somewhere.. to show stability, you may try opening a savings/checking account. you can also try getting an unsecured or secured credit card, the decision is for you to make but a secured one is safer in a way that you can have some control over your spending... even if you have bad credit, you may still be able to do the things i just said because there are companies that offer this to people like you.. if and when you already have your credit card, please try to do things right this time, make the payments on time, do not max out the credit limit, ideally using up less than 30% of your cl is good, build a good credit history, the longer you have a good credit standing the better, avoid credit card 'hopping'. also try to compare several deals before getting one, you are bound to find a decent card... good luck!|||It's going to be hard to get a new credit card before you clear up your report, but you're in a catch 22 because you need someone to give you credit in order to redeem yourself.

Go to the bank where you keep your checking account. Often, banks offer a card where you put down a deposit, they give you a card, and you pay the bill just like a credit card, but if you don't pay, they take from your deposit. Reports from that card go on your credit report, so it gives you a chance to build up your credit again without having to get approved for a card. Good luck|||I don't think that getting another credit card would be a very good idea for you. I would go to your bank and ask them how they might be able to help you. Some banks offer credit cards that the interest rate is based on the prime rate so you could get one as low as 5%. You may also want to ask about getting a loan to cover all your debt....banks have a way of helping out with that. You may end of paying a higher interest rate but at least you would get your credit cards paid off instead of having more finance charges put on them. Hope this helps!

Credit card??

Do you know about those little "credit/debit card" type things that you can buy at almost any store? For example its like a Gift Card that you can use ANYWHERE..i saw them for sale at walmart and there were even some at dollar general! I was thinking about buying at $50 card...if i get this card will i be able to purchase items off the internet with it?|||More than likely, as long as the card has a visa or MasterCard logo, you'll be all set to purchase items off the internet with the card. I think it will depend on what type of credit card the site will accept. If the website will accept visa, MasterCard, and American Express, then as long as the card you purchase has one of these logos, you should be alright.|||yep.

I did it before and it works the same as a credit card.

Credit card?

this dident happen but what would you do if you lost your credit card and after a week you realize and its too late and someone stole it and now you owe one million dollars from the credit card???|||* I would laugh at the credit card company for being so stupid as to let anyone have that large of a credit line!*|||I would just ask for an investigation; something like that actually happened to me (on a much smaller scale, obviously): Some money ended up missing from my checking account, and the bank ended up closing my account and now says that i must pay back $1'100!

: )|||whaaa?|||Call the card issuer to fix it!|||wouldn't cards have limits|||u should b protected.. plus all u have to do is dispute the charges|||Someone once stole my wife's credit card and I never reported it . Whoever stole it spent less than my wife.|||Credit Cards have limits, according to your individual credit. When you reach the limit it gets shut off. So unless you have excellent credit, with a million dollar limit, that wouldn't happen. If someone stole your credit card and you did not realize that it was gone for a week, the credit company should strike those purchases from your bill. It depends on your provider.|||i`ll gone mad ..

and i`m will gettin help from law.. i`m victimized ..

why must i`ll take resposibility..|||make a police report and call the company but as a credit card holder even with theft you are still responsable for it trust me i know i do home health and the lady i take care of had this happen to her while she was in a comma for 34 days and ended up having brain surgery she sent them documents showing her whereabouts during the used dates and they put it on her credit report and screwed her totaly|||prove it was not me|||Even if someone didn't steal your credit card you can't spend one million dollars.|||u call the credit company. most will notice alot of buying on the card and call you to c if it got stollen or if ur just doing a big project.|||I'd report it as fraud.|||Cry =(|||hoho.... just steal get another credit card and pay the dept|||Of course it didn't happen - credit cards have limits and I doubt many people have a 1 million dollar limit!!! LOL

But - if it did happen to me, I would file a police report and claim insurance. Either that, or fake my own death to get out of the bill. LOL|||1. there is only two organizations that have credit cards that have no limits. 2. if you had one you're in alot of trouble.3.these cards have safety devices in place for that reason. 4. if you're rich you would'nt use credit cards now would you. 5. don't ever loose anything..............|||Have a nervous break down because I have good credit that I worked very hard to establish and maintain; in the event this happened, I would have to file bankruptcy.|||You are wishing you found a a credit card with one million dollars credit line,but it's not going to you and you keep dreaming|||I really don't know, maybe you could try to prove your "innocence" before the proper authorities...I don't know how that works. However, it is a consequence for not immediately reporting you lost your card. Such negligence. I pity you have to be burdened by the bill, yet, I'm torn with giving you a knock on the head for such negligence...nope, not in losing the card for it could happen to anyone...but for not reporting it. Sorry still, though.|||"I'm so lonely I can Cry" by B.J. Thomas|||I left mine in the ATM before but the machine kept it, I was so scared that someone pulled up behind me and took it I went to two more stores before I realized it was missing. I was in a panic until I got home and canceled the card.

Credit card.?

Lets say person A gave his credit card info to person B online. they are across the country, do not even know each other etc. then if person B were to use the cc to buy something for like $1000 and person A then gets the bill and is like what the hell? then reports it, what exactly would ensue? would person B be caught?|||ITS NOT A FRADULENT PURCHASE IF YOU GAVE THE THE CC INFORMATION AND PERMISSION TO USE SAID CC. NOW IF THEY RAN UP TOO MUCH ON CC, THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TO SUE THEM IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, FOR PUTTING TOO MUCH ON CC.|||You can visit and find very useful tips and several articles on credit card related matters.

Report Abuse

|||Why would person A give cc info to person B in the first place ?

Was person A ordering something from person B and person B just ran up the charges ? If that is the case then person A needs to contact the cc co. and have the charges removed. Yes I would file a police report because person B can really mess up person A's credit at that rate. It depends on the circumstances as to whether person B would be arrested.|||Yes, if you actually have good contact info. Most cards have a protection plan that limits your liability in fraudulent purchases. The credit card company will help with the process of getting this person prosecuted for fraud. You might be prosecuted for felony stupidity for giving your CC info to someone like this. Good luck.|||It depends on why person A gave the info to person B. Was person B a merchant charging person A for an authorized purchase? If person B then used that information to make other unauthorized purchases they are guilty of fraud and could be arrested. Person A should contact the bank that issued the card to make a complaint. If person B was just a normal person then why would person A give them that information? Either way, it is fraud because person B claimed to be someone they were not and obtained a financial gain from that deception.

*** Don't get snippy with the people that are trying to help you. If multiple people have to ask you a question in order to provide the most appropriate response, then obviously "all the info" was NOT there. All of the first three answers were correct. There was no need to give them a thumbs down. ***

Credit card...?

What is the best credit card for a 12 year old that has no credit score and is very responsible? Visa? Which bank would you choose?|||I'd go with a prepaid Visa or MasterCard鈥?/a>|||I think the best would be a prepaid debit card. You can find a whole list of debit card deals here:鈥?/a>

Credit card?

i recently got a call from my bank asking if i wanted to apply for a credit card im 18 and have to existing credit cards ive applied at placed like capitol one with no avail so i said meh might as well try i wont get accepted anyways but then i got accepted for a $2000 credit card is this a good thing?|||Credit cards your age are always a scary thing.

If you have part time work the best you can do

is make sure your not spending more than

$500 on it and pay it all back before you use it

again !

This way you may be able to manage your repayment

usually your minimum payments....but everyone knows

that with credit cards if you want to catch up you must

pay more than what they ask for every month.!!!!!

This is to stop you paying lots of interest (that the bank

adds on to the total you spent ) also on top of your

payments.|||i say the earlier you start building credit the faster you are ahead of the game. just keep in mind that don't spend beyond your means or you can get yourself into trouble. i would recommend you charging less than 25% of your credit card limit then pay it off or pay more than the min