Monday, December 12, 2011

Now that Obama has called Republican budget "un-American" and it puts pain on Seniors, will it be scrapped?

Obama laid it out and stated that the Republicans budget is not for America and it is "not the America he knows". He easily contrasted what Democratic values are as compared to Republican values or lack of.

Does the Paul Ryan Budget now have about as much chances of passing a a pig taking flight?

Obama slammed the Ryan bill as immoral and harmful to seniors something that most Democrats already knew. He also stated how we need to spend and invest in this country. All real American values. We will commit to our promises of taking care of the Elderly and the very poorest as well as to our children and their education. Tax cuts to the richest will not be renewed, he refuses to do that. The wealthiest will no longer get itemized deductions, 120 billion in savings. He will protect middle class and reduce tax expenditures on middle class. 4 trillion saved in 12 years. 1 trillion saved in interest on debt. Sounds like a plan.....we will live within our means and invest in our future. Do you agree?|||Everyone in this country, except teabaggers and Repubs (one in the same) knows that the Repubs don't care for anyone except the Corporation. The Paul Ryan budget is just more proof of the Repub ideology. Nothing new here.|||It sounds like a plan for shared sacrifice to me. The GOP will have a hard time other than getting laughs with their Ryan budget.|||about time|||.... Obama's plan is similar. It just doesn't go as far as Ryan's.

Paul Ryan's budget never stood chance because he has an R next to his name and the president has a D next to his.

You know, he came into office talking about trillion dollar deficit reductions and went in the opposite direction. I hope you're not all giddy, preparing to fall for these lies again.|||Last I checked social security, medicare and medicaid are what will cause our financial distruction. Obama and the dems don't care about reforming them in order to save our country. And if obama truly cares about other needed spending such as education he would make true reforms to these programs because if he doesn't there won't be any money left to spend on anything else.|||Obama makes a lot of speeches. Very little of what he says actually comes to fruition. Since the budget has to start in the House....yeah, I'm not so worried.

What I'm far more concerned with is by BOTH parties selling us a bill of goods based on fuzzy math and sketchy accounting.|||I think Obama knows everything about being "un-American"|||I'm all for small government and accountability.

Ron Paul/Ventura 2012!|||The Pied Piper returns.|||The Democrats have always sold social welfare programs the same way -- they want to subsidize the poor, which is nice, but not particularly popular, so they always entice the middle class with promises that the middle class, too, will receive the same subsidies. (Well, less so, because they have to take a big skim out of that to subsidies the non-tax-paying poor, but the middle class gets some back.)

The trouble is that they have escalated benefits for the middle class far beyond the tax revenue the middle class is willing to contribute, or Democrats dare ask them to pay. Therefore our current DOOM: We're paying out huge amounts of money to the middle class (which is popular) but only taking from them enough to partly pay for those benefits (which is also popular).

Two wonderfully popular elements to the Democratic plan of perpetually offering more welfare to the middle class, and the only downside is the country is going to be destroyed.

So the Democrats must do what they have always avoided doing: They must either tell the middle class that their popular subsidies are going to get slashed, or they must tell the middle class they will have to pay much higher taxes in order to fund the subsidies that aren't really subsidies, in as much as it's just the middle class sending a tax check to Washington and Washington sending them back a much-diminished portion of it, with big skims taken out to subsidize the poor, various boondoggles that result in campaign contributions, and administrative sloth and inefficiency.

The whole Democratic appeal is based on the notion that you can have more money than we have. For a long time, due to favorable demographic forces (the huge bulge of young people in the Baby Boom), the fact that the system was or would be paying out far more than it was taking in was disguised.

But now, as those previously tax-contributing Baby Boomers are about to cash out, en masse, that favorable, concealing demographic bubble is about to have the opposite effect.

I don't know what Democrats can do about this, except do as Harry Reid does and put us on a path of financial armageddon. Because, as a party, they simply have nothing else.

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