Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why do credit card fraudsters get away with it?

I bought some stuff online a few months ago and was soon contacted by my credit card company to say that someone bought 200 worth of goods with my card. I got a new one and today got another call to say someone tried to book into a hotel twice today with my card. Whay does this keep happening. Could my computer be infected . Also why do these fraudsters get away with it? I asked the guy from the card company if the person would be caught and he said no probably not?|||There is no way to prove who is doing it that is why credit cards usually have insurance on them. I should know my wallet was stolen this past weekend and I am dealing with the same stuff now. Also with my bank because somehow they hacked my pin and took like $900 out of my account taht I didn;t have|||It is not worth it for the card company to invest all that money into finding the person. It is cheaper for them to just reimburse the fraudulent charges and move on. It is frustrating though that they get away with this!

Your computer could definitely be infected, because twice in a row seems suspicious. Either that or someone in your neighborhood is raiding your mailbox. I would take the computer to a computer shop to have them check it for viruses just to be on the safe side. Also, make sure to get a free credit report done to make sure nothing else strange is going on!|||Because "fraudsters" (LOL!!) evolve just as fast as the security technology used to stop them. Fraudsters the these hackers look at stealing your information as their job or purpose in life. You're not dealing with idiots who don't know how to work at computer. Also employees of the credit card companies are willing to sell the information to them because they aren't getting paid enough and are disgruntle.|||They had something on this on 60 minutes. It's amazing what they can get away with. The good news is that you aren't liable for more than $50 by law, so you really don't need credit card insurance.

You may have to increase your security on your computer if you keep credit card numbers on your computer. You also might have some kind of hackers into your computer, especially if you have anything there such as a whole slew of website where you pay your account on line.

Who knows? I'm not an i. t. person, but I haven't been hacked either.

Good luck.|||cost of investigating is insane.and has insurance covers banks,they weigh it out and just pay off. Dont really like insurance companies anyways.they refused to pay out on my genuine claim once.Careful using ur card online.there are hackers that can get ur details of web sites that store ur information.get visa verified and limit info u leave on social websites|||Because the credit card companies don't prosecute. They write it off as a cost of doing business, which ultimately hurts you, the credit card user, through higher interest rates and fees.

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