Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is it possible that a credit card purchase I made overseas did not go through?

I remember signing the receipt and everything, but I haven't seen anything on my online statement yet. It's been about 2 weeks so far and everything else I purchased there (Japan) with my credit card has shown up. Am I really lucky or is it just a matter of time?|||more than likely it is a matter of time, i would keep enough money on the card for what ever the amount was

they will want their money eventually,

the reason they wait is because the credit card companies charge them eigther a % of the sales, or they charge per transaction, and they are better off turning them in all at once, than one at a time|||Some overseas credit card places process the cards only once a month - so be assured the charge will eventually appear - make sure to have the credit available on the card!|||Its a matter of time. Some places only do their credit card submissions a couple of times a year, especially smaller business. I had one charge last year come up on my card and it drove me nuts trying to figure it out.......then I realized it was a little kiosk I had bought something from several months earlier. My credit card company told me what I've mentioned above.|||of course not it takes longer to post give it a few weeks maybe a month or so and than check your bank

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