Monday, December 12, 2011

Credit card?

i recently got a call from my bank asking if i wanted to apply for a credit card im 18 and have to existing credit cards ive applied at placed like capitol one with no avail so i said meh might as well try i wont get accepted anyways but then i got accepted for a $2000 credit card is this a good thing?|||Credit cards your age are always a scary thing.

If you have part time work the best you can do

is make sure your not spending more than

$500 on it and pay it all back before you use it

again !

This way you may be able to manage your repayment

usually your minimum payments....but everyone knows

that with credit cards if you want to catch up you must

pay more than what they ask for every month.!!!!!

This is to stop you paying lots of interest (that the bank

adds on to the total you spent ) also on top of your

payments.|||i say the earlier you start building credit the faster you are ahead of the game. just keep in mind that don't spend beyond your means or you can get yourself into trouble. i would recommend you charging less than 25% of your credit card limit then pay it off or pay more than the min

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