Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do I find the last date of activity on a closed credit card?

We have a credit card company taking us to court. I think its past the statue of limitations 4 years in Nevada as far as I know. We printed out a credit report but it does not have the date of last activity. We called the credit card company %26amp; the case has been transferred to collections obviously. So does anybody know how to get the last date of activity on a credit card? Any info will be help full. Thanks.|||The credit card company should be able to provide you with a copy of your last statement, or at the very least a statement of account activity. Even if it's been turned over to a collection company, they (the c/c company) still retains all rights and documentation that applies to the account. Try looking up the Fair Credit Reporting Act for specific language.|||your cr should show a charge off date which should be 6 mos. after default. try your other 2 reports. i think experian is the one that shows account history.

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