Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ending a 3 year serious relationship?

we live together, we own a house together, we have shared bank accounts etc...

so a break up would be difficult and will require us to be on speaking terms if its gonna go smoothly. I don't even know if a break up is what I want I just need a change I hate my life as it is atm....

I love him and don't want to hurt him but we've both been saying lately how we feel like we jumped in too quickly and similar things like that.

we have a lot of the same friends and I don't want them to be stuck between us, oh and his best friend lives with us as a border...

The only thing I can think of atm is I move out, get new bank acc's but continue to transfer him the 1/2 the mortgage repayments and the rates'll be quite a stretch but I think I can manage that...

But as for actually breaking up with him? I'm so stuck I don't even think I could go through with it, but I'm hurting him so much by being with him and always upset...

help?|||if you're have to do what's best for you. and in the long run it'll be best for the both of you...that would eat him alive if delayed that forever and just hid those feelings.

think about it from an outside perspective...if you have joint ownership with a that any reason to stick together? you guys should be together because you love each other's company and want to be with them all the time (with a few bumps in the road of course). constant unease with someone you live with means exactlyyyy what you said...time for a change.

do your thing for a little bit, and see what happens. you're probably young, life's short, do what's best for you and ask questions later.|||Together, get to a lawyer and let the lawyer help you resolve getting out of it without much turmoil. Since there isn't a marriage, it is only property division. If he won't go, you must see a lawyer alone about these matters.|||My dear friend if your not happy please leave I am speaking from my current experience. I鈥檓 leaving together with my GF and I know she is not happy with me but she saying don鈥檛 want to lose me too. This is killing me. My advices to you please leave him and find someone you can be happy with.

Right now I should be studying for my exams in mid October but I can鈥檛 consternate.

Please leave him do what you want to do in your life.|||You both have something good going in your lives, why do you want to throw it all away and start all over again. There are lonely people out there who would do anything to be in either of your shoes. Ask yourself why you need this change? This is a big ask but you must be honest with yourself. Is it because his friend is there and you don't get to spend more time alone with each other, or are there other factors? Plus you are both still young, why are you behaving like an old married couple, you can both make an effort and spice up your lives, work it out now and you will have a story to tell your grand children in years to come, unless you have made up your mind that you want something else!|||There's nothing serious about your 3yo relationship. Even people who been married 15 years break up. Let go while you still can. Otherwise you just wasting each others tim. Its not worth it. you only 22. Walk away woman. Open another account and transfer half the mortgage.

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