Thursday, December 8, 2011

If judgement day is near ...?

1) do you save for your childrens' education?

2) renew your subscription to Good Housekeeping?

3) take out huge loans you can never repay?

4) stop dieting?|||We are to keep occupied until the end (we do not know the day or the hour of our Lord's coming).

It is also written that we are to be good stewards (take proper care of what God has given us and use it to His glory).|||Well, since no one knows what day judgment day really is going to be here, its best to live a good life until you die...I guess...unless you wanna do stuff like that and get depressed and live a crappy life. And die knowing you lived a crappy life.|||Now there's a good question for the rapture wackos.|||Judgement day is a little over a 1000 years from now

1 yes

2 no

3 no

4 no|||3 %26amp; 4|||Prophecy....In a vision, I saw a swarm of locusts. Their wings beat like the sound of thunder. Their tails were like those of the scorpion and with death in their STINGERS.

A helicopters rotor sounds like thunder.

The Apache helicopter is shaped like a locust.

It's tail looks like a scorpions tail.

It's stinger.....Stinger Missiles.

But it was only a vision. Probably won't come true. The prophet didn't know what he was seeing, because Helicopters didn't exist in that day and time. So don't worry about it.||| next Tuesday....Man that screws up everything|||Yes it's near, if you knew the Bible and read the news paper it's a no brain-er.

No my house isn't up for sale, I'm not storing up food and hunkering down in my barracks.

I'm living and continuing on as usual, praying for forgiveness for my shortcomings and looking for Jesus' soon return.|||1) Yes

2) Yes

3) No

4) No|||hey brendan

forget about (1),(2) and (4) but pls take (5)

ie. take out huge loans and enjoy it with your loved ones for one very last time|||5) sign over your assets to me (why not?)

6) forget your kids education altogether

7) stop paying health insurance for you and the kids

8) quit your job

Yeah! Put your money where your beliefs are!|||LOL!

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