Sunday, December 4, 2011

My mum is bleeding heavily (Poop, Nose, Coughing, etc) - how bad would this be? Recurring Cancer maybe?

She's been bleeding from her nose for a day now without clotting, she's been coughing up blood, and she is pooping out blood...

I know this isn't a really good sign; but she scared me when she told me to transfer all her money from her bank acc. into mine when she goes into hospital.. (I'm 17 with two younger sisters)

I think it is her cancer again.. (She had cervical cancer about 16 years ago, had it removed, etc etc)

..the past year she's had skin cancer (unhealing sores and such)

Do you think she might have an internal cancer as well causing this bleeding?

[I'm sorry that I can't tell you if the blood in her poop is dark or light, she isn't talking much about it, trying not to scare us kids]

Thank you for any help...

(I do understand you can't diagnose her problem, but, there is a chance this isn't life threatening.. right?)|||There are many clinical implications of different pathologies in play here. I can give you a substantive declaration, in this instance maybe it would be better if you e-mailed me.|||You're right, there is always a chance it isn't life threatening but bleeding is something that is serious - you and I don't know the cause. That is the point of doctors - to get answers from.

Don't jump to conclusion and scare yourself from it - rather, be informed. Go seek answers.|||There's plenty of chance that this isn't life threatening-- but you need to get off the computer and get your mother to a hospital now.|||Why mess around with something like this on a stupid forum. YES it could be life threatening. Get her to an emergency room now. WTF is wrong with you?|||about it you can get information from here|||What the hell?

Get her to a hospital!


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