Sunday, December 4, 2011


I have a hotmail account.. And from experience, I do know that if you don't log in your mail account for a month or more , your acc. gets deactivated - meaning - all da mails wud get deleted. Is there anyway to retrieve 'em ? I'm sure there's a way out. If NOT..

Tell me .. what can I do to save my mails?.. Should I transfer 'em sumwhere, how?|||well see...b4 this i wasn't able to check my account for about 2 months or longer...and when i did...check my email i had over 2,000 emails. They may deleted some...but not alot. They didn't delete ones from my contacts at all. My account didn't get was kept as is...but thats because its msn and its with quest and my mom called asking if they wouldn't delete our accounts and they said don't worry. So they never have. So I guess they won't. Bus has it happened to you b4 that you account got deleted from hotmail and you had to get a new account?|||there is no way

i would ask microsoft|||go somewhere like library once month to make sure or get a different email account from yahoo or something and have people email you there. usually it takes longer than a month for them to do that|||No there isn't.

Your S.O.L.|||There is no way to retrieve them if the account is already deleted. If it is just in the stage of "marked for deletion," log in and forward them to another email or print the out.|||Not only hotmail, Yahoo also deactivates and deletes all your mails, if you don't login for around 60 days..

the best solution is transfer all your important mails to gmail and you are safe enough. Because, gmail don't have that policy to de-activate and delete the mails, if you don't login.. for certain period.. All the best|||open ur acc. once in 30 days or 10 days ////////////// save them somewhere else or forward it to another mail like yahoo or go to gmail thats the best|||Download your e-mails as text files, or email important ones to another address you use more often.

Contact hotmail about where your old e-mails go. You must remember, hotmail is a large server with lots of FREE disk space for BILLIONS of users to use, so if someone isn't using their free disk space that Hotmail pays for then they probably don't keep it around very long at all.

Good luck.

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