Sunday, December 4, 2011

What would you do about this?

ok so i run a small business as a mobile mower and small engine mechanic i was contacted by a costumer and asked if i could service there mower i emailed a quote monday and was asked could i do the work today so i turn up complete all the work fitting new parts only to find out with 4 days notice that they don't have any money on them they then ask for a 30 day account which i only give 2 contract mowing companies and schools they say the don't have a check acc and will have to make a bank deposit how ever they have not been able to provide me with a bank transfer number and are no longer accepting phone calls or replying to emails i just had a look on facebook and find out there moving interstate like the jobs worth only $123.50 but the point is its a new business and im not a charity what do you think i should do what would you do|||Report them to the Chamber of Commerce of the city they are moving to.

Call up firms that do what you do in the new area and let them know that the guys are deadbeats.

Sully their name before they even get a chance to.|||small court claims? idk i would confront them|||I would confront the on a quick court claim, this is more for the record than anything else.

You should be aware of many costumers attempting to get free stuff, as today's rules are all for consumer protection and left the business practically unprotected.

Now that being said as a small business do concentrate more on KYC (Know your Costumer) and Marketing.

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