Sunday, December 4, 2011

How do you end a 3 year relationship with out destroying any chance of a friendship?

we live together, we own a house together, we have shared bank accounts etc...

so a break up would be difficult and will require us to be on speaking terms if its gonna go smoothly. I don't even know if a break up is what I want I just need a change I hate my life as it is atm....

I love him and don't want to hurt him but we've both been saying lately how we feel like we jumped in too quickly and similar things like that.

we have a lot of the same friends and I don't want them to be stuck between us, oh and his best friend lives with us as a border...

The only thing I can think of atm is I move out, get new bank acc's but continue to transfer him the 1/2 the mortgage repayments and the rates'll be quite a stretch but I think I can manage that...

But as for actually breaking up with him? I'm so stuck I don't even think I could go through with it, but I'm hurting him so much by being with him and always upset...

help?|||Let me first say if you are hurting him mby being with him, maybe he thinks that he is hurting you too. I'm no expert but i've been in a good bit of long relationships. And they were hard to take. But you have to remember, being with him is also hurting you. You need to get out of their before you can't. I say that you should just sit down with him, and talk about it. Work things out so he doesn't think that you are a jerk.(colourful language =D) The chances are that he will understand. Goodluck ;)|||Friendship will never work

Someone will always have the expectations of getting back together.|||i ended a 5 year relationship (even after i had cheated and been a terrible gf) we were able to be the best of friends. I'm not sure why he stuck with me, maybe he is just a forgiving person. but we are best friends now, i have done counseling and everything else, he is the only person that knows me and that i can rly talk to and the same with me. we can't live together we figured that out, we cant be a couple, but we are the best of friends.

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