Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to deal with an annoying family member?

Okay, I've got a problem here. I have a cousin that's just SO ANNOYING. I only see her on Holidays, when I see all my family, but once she sees me, she starts talking and JUST NEVER SHUTS UP. I understand if she missed me and wanted to talk, but jeez! She won't give me the chance to talk to anyone else. I keep wanting to get to talk with my half cousin, whom I used to be close with but not anymore, but before I can the annoying cousin comes up to me. And once she starts, she don't stop talking until she leaves. I wouldn't mind as much IF we actually had something in common. I mean, I can't even respond to half the stuff she says because I've no clue about it. Now, as if that's not enough by itself, she actually transferred to my school just to be closer to me. More so, she's trying to match her schedule to mine so we'd have the same classes. (Not really possible because I'm in the top 3 of all my classes, which are acc classes, while she's in Sp Ed) I'm not trying to be mean, but she's worse than a kid sibling. I'm in High School and have had a hard enough time fitting in with my friends and girlfriend, if I am being chased around by her, it would make me look even more out of place. I'm real physically frail, so not many people will be around mme. She's mentally ill, which is sad, but I just can't stay with her long. I can't explain it. But think of it like, a foreign exchange student comes along and start acting like you and them have known each other for life, when you have not a thing in common. All I have in common with this cousin is family. That's it. We're practically from different planets.

If we weren't cousins, I'd swear she has a thing for me. And the hardest part is, I'm a real nice person and can't say no to someone unless I'm outraged. And if that's the case, it comes out in a HORRIBLE way. I just wish she'd stop clinging to me like we're best friends. Again, I'm not being mean, we just have nothing in common, so talking is extremely difficult. I'm almost at the point where I want to spend the Holidays at my Friends' houses instead so I can get away from her without hurting her feelings. I think my heart is a gift AND a curse in this case.|||Don't be near her and don't greet her or talk to her that much

no eye contact whatsoever and talk to other people, don't let her stop you but give her a chance, it's not her fault|||talk to your mom to talk to her mom about it.|||Talk to her mom! She needs to set her child straight and not let her do all this, it's crazy.|||throw something shiny on the ground where she can see it, and while she's distracted slip away|||Buy a shotgun, load it, BLOW 'EM AWAY|||Have you talked to your parents about it? In fact, why don't you print out this question, bring it to them, and let them read it. They need to know how you feel, so they can help. Maybe if your parents intervene they can help you.

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