Sunday, December 4, 2011

I am 6 mths pregnant but can't afford to take FMLA?

I have worked for my employer for 1 yr and I am 5 months going on 6 months pregnant this is my situation I am a Stock Supervisor on my job and was told by my Store Manager on Oct 28th 2008, I need to submit a doctor鈥檚 note of my risks as the company is concerned how shipment is being handled I have no problem that is required and I gave the note on Oct 30 when I came in for my 7-4 shift and was told I need to leave I cannot work until my situation has been assessed, I left at 10:50,so I was sent home without pay.

On Nov 5th 2008 at 1:48pm I received a call from the Operations Manager that the doctor鈥檚 note was not sufficient that a specified list of my limitations of what I can or cannot do , I proceed to obtain the second doc鈥檚 note and submitted it on Monday Nov 12th 2008.

Now on Nov19th at 10:46 am the Operations Manager called letting me know that HR called and I can return to work on Monday 24th Nov,2008 for a 12-9pm shift at appox 5:05pm I had a meeting with the HR Manager, Store Manager and Operations Manager and was told that they have considered alternatives but there is a problem that I have understand from a business point of view that there are too many restrictions that they think prevents me from doing my job effectively and also there isn鈥檛 anywhere to put me that I cannot be placed on the sales floor or be transferred to another store as I am full time employee and they simply don鈥檛 have the hours at this time as we in a financial recession so these are my options :

1. To resign from my position or,

2.To claim fmla leave which is unpaid for 3 months and after that I can try to claim disability from the state.

These are my options the HR Manager said and that he recommends I claim Fmla but I don鈥檛 have to make my decision today I can think about call him on Wednesday or Monday as to what my decision will be.I will be off the schedule from now on I have used all pto already.

Do I have to taket he Fmla I it protects my job and benefits but for me I already have benefits it would only protect my job, I cannot afford to be unpaid for three months as I don't have a 401k to withdraw from or saving acc I live paycheck to paycheck I have no family to help me out and the father only works part time any suggestions how I can keep a roof over my head for me and my child.

At this point I rather they fire me so I can collect unemployment to keep a roof over my head.

|||I am an HR Generalist and I handle all FMLA leaves for my employer. You never mentioned what your restrictions are. The company I work for is a Distribution Warehouse. We have lots of women work as pickers/packers right up to a week or 2 before their due date. Have a conversation with your doctor. Make sure he/she understands the physical requirements of your job. If he/she feels like you are capable of doing the job without endangering your health or the baby, he/she can write you a new note indicating that you have no work restrictions at this time. That covers the company. Realize the company is trying to make sure you are not doing work that can cause you harm. Also, they are not required to provide you with light duty or different work because of your pregnancy. However, I hope you realize that you will have to take FMLA when you have the baby. Most likely 6 - 8 weeks before the doctor clears you to return to a physical job. I don't understand the suggestion that you could apply for disability from the state. I don't know what state you are in but pregnancy is not a disability. In 3 months you will be giving birth and no longer be pregnant. Finally, if you need to work a reduced schedule until you have the baby, for example 6 hours a day instead of 8, you can request intermittent leave as long as the doctor orders the reduced schedule. Good luck. I would like to know how your situation turns out.|||damn girl, i kinda feel your pain. i'm 9 months pregnant and have to continue working for as long as possible cuz of money situations. do you know if you get any disability benefits from your job cuz i know you can sometimes apply for that if your job offers it. if not i think the only option you got is to take the fmla and try to apply for some gov't assistance program so you can at least eat properly for the baby. Ugh.......i'm sorry i know it sucks, but i wish you the best of luck|||If you were a good worker for the time you worked there, then stop trying to fight their system. Even if you think it is unfair. Just go to your boss and explain that you really need the income and you understand their position. Could they just put you on 'lay-off' (people are laid off all the time due to industry wide slow downs). Explain that this way, you can apply for unemployment benefits. And also tell him that you intend to return to work after the baby is born. Speak to him with a positive attitude. I bet they do it.|||oh wow im sorry i would help but i've never been in the situation (virgin) i hope things work out and that u have a heathy baby


help this q is funny and might cheer u up as well as help me;鈥?/a>|||I have worked in sales for a long time in a big box retailer both as a sales assocciate, stock and as a supervisor. It is my understanding that if you become pregnant that is does not matter if they have an open position or not they have to make room for you or they can get in trouble for discrimination of you being pregnant. I really think you need to check into this, I know it is hard but for you and your babies sake get a little more informed on this situation.

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