Sunday, December 4, 2011

I found international fund transfer charges on my husbands acc. for 6.00, then a 200.00 debit, is he gambling?

There have been 10 of these transactions ranging from a few to three a day to every day. He tells me these are loans he is paying off that he obtained online. I'm not stupid, I caught him playing an online poker game and he swears up and down he's not gambling. He's in debt with payday loans up to $4,000. He has hardly any bills and his whole paycheck is gone in 3 days. He makes excuses and blames me for needing money to 'my bills' (like the utililities, phone and gas) and this sets him behind even more. I find stacks of lottery tickets, $10 to 15 each and he insists he bought them over the past year and collected them (funny how I just found them hidden in the closet when it was not there the past week). He paid out over 1500.00 in ift's in the past week, he has spent 13,000 in two weeks back in May and STILL in debt with payday loans and gambling online.|||No question, those are all signs of internet gambling. The international funds transfer is a DEAD giveaway. I get those and my bank told me that is the only reason for those charges. Plus payday loans is a sign of desperation, the interest is worth than a loan shark. Type to get some help for the addiction.|||Sounds like addictive behaviour to me. He is trying to hide evidence - why do that unless you know what you are doing is shameful? Also his money is gone in 3 days. He is probably getting out the loans to gamble with. I think you are right.

Gambling is an addiction just like alcoholism or bulimia.

Try checking out Gamblers Anonymous website.|||Yes he is gambling for sure, you just answered your own question with all the excuses he makes and you pointing out, make him quit or do a big party to confront him, a confrontation party, (Seinfeld) you should do that, it will help.|||Disconnect the car battery %26amp; shut off the internet and get him to quit?|||yep no doubt hes gambling it shows how u put it hes gambling every time he gets a dollar to his name but to play with a gambler is like playing solitare u might win once out of 50 times u know what to b sure tell him ur thinking bout online gambling(not 4 real just pretend)if he gets mad and say we aint got the money 4 it that means its money from his bankroll but if hes going to gamble with big money than hes going to loose bigger money tell him or better yet ask ?s like the games he plays online if he knows all bout them get him to teach u everytime u think hes online will save u some money but he owes them ur screwed they can make u pay and not by a check a week like they can make u pay with a whole bunch might need to sit him down like u do a alcoholic or druggie and give him the facts.hope this helps

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