Sunday, December 4, 2011

What are the best schools to become a Neurosurgeon, and how much do the schools cost?

I was thinking of becoming a Neurosurgeon, I am curious to find out, what the schoolings cost about, I know it takes 4 years collage, then 4 years medical school. The way Collage works is new to me, could I take 4 years collage in Austin Tx. then if my grades are good enough transfer to Harvard for the medical school part? Or would I have to take all 8 years @ one location? Then a year long intern ship,and five to six years of neurosurgery residency, what exactly is residency? Does the intern ship pay us? Is residency another type of schooling? How much does that cost? Or does it pay? What are the best locations to live to be a Neurosurgeon, and get a good amount of business? I live in Austin Tx. I am going to get my GED from ACC, then maybe transfer to UT if I can for the first 4 years of collage, then hoping to be able to get into harvard, for the next 4 years. Is that possible, what are my options for payment, what does it take to qualify for a sponsorship? And if I can't get a sponsorship, how much would the process cost about, just the schooling, not the moving around, etc.|||College, not collage. Transferring is what you do in the middle of a degree; changing schools after one degree and starting another somewhere else is normal, not transferring. Yes, if you do very well in undergrad, have great MCAT scores, good work/research experience, and great recommendations, you'll have a shot at a top med school. Residency is paid work experience, but it doesn't pay too much. Expect to be about 300k+ in debt after med school; Harvard med school costs about 70k a year.

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