Thursday, December 8, 2011

Will walking to printers cost us money?

I am proposing consolidating printers at our company. Users are upset because they will need to walk an extra 10-30 feet to a central printer instead of having a desk printer. They say this extra 10-30 seconds of walking will cost so much money we will loose all our cost savings in this "wasted" time. Do you think we will really loose money and productivity just because some people have to walk?|||I don't think it will cost anything. People need to get up and walk a little instead of sitting at their desk all day. The extra activity will keep them alert. Sitting motionless at a desk all day can make you too sluggish and sleepy that you get very little done.|||Those people are lazy. Walking 10-30 feet will not kill them or the company. In fact they will get extra exercise which will benefit the company in the long run, increasd productivity and all. Perhaps it will also stop them from printing uneeded pages since they have to walk across the room to get them|||good lord what kind of wastes of skin do you work with? sounds like they could probalby use the exercise.

yes, of course you'll lose productivity, but the loss will be so tiny, and it will probably be offsett by your cost savings, and in the LT, happier, healthier employees. Plus, in cases where printing wasn't absolutely necessary, maybe now some employees will print less, saving you on paper costs.

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